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    For me it crashes when i'm editing animation frames or launching the preview with alt+4.

    I also have this error on the startup:


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    ACE table: Condition should not specify cf_not_invertible with cf_trigger or cf_fake_trigger - triggers are implicitly non-invertible, remove cf_not_invertible

    Condition: !(((flags & cf_trigger) || (flags & cf_fake_trigger)) && (flags & cf_not_invertible))

    File: c:\c2\source\exporters\html5\..\..\common\ERAHelpers.h

    Line: 206

    Function: void __cdecl era::ACETable::AddCondition(int,int,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,void (__cdecl *)(const class era::StaticResult **,int,class era::StaticEvaluation *))

    Build: release 270 (64-bit) checked

    Component: HTML5 exporter

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


  • Hi Scirra team! Since this is the only plugin we have for the App rating in IOS, could you please add it to the whitelist and make it possible to build with c3 build service?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks, but how to call it from the construct?

    Anyway, if you'll make a plugin that would be perfect :)

  • Eren

    That's cool!

    Could you write how you made that?

    If it's simple, would be great to know how it works.


  • Hi, i'm also very interested in that option.

    Is there anybody who implemented this?

  • New design, smooth animations is cool, but i'm a bit dissapointed of missed/changed features that C2 had.

    This is my imho and it's based on my habbits using C2 which i like so much for it's very predictible workflow!

    • Ctrl+w - That's the biggest thing. How to close tabs?
    • Alt+4 - It's not very handy to use play button each time i work with keyboard only.
    • Missing +/- buttons on the add Behaviour, and Variable windows. These windows also looks unfinished(design) without the buttons in compare to C2 version.
    • 'Save as' shortcut also Missing
    • Menu button. You moved project options in sub section, that's pretty uncomfortable to waltk through all the menus each time i need to save it or export or close a project. And where is the 'Recent projects' option?

    Basically the rest of the menu options ( view, preferences , help, store, etc..) are not used that much as the menus that was hidden in "project" section.

    • The grey bar at the left of the properties bar. It cuts space and looks not as nice as the rest of ui.

    Might be better to make it less wide. Looks like it needs only for separating 2 menu options - 'More information' and 'Project properties'. What about to separate it in other way?

    I'm going to buy license of C3 and i'm waiting for it, but would be cool to make it as good as C2 in terms of ui usage. That's my first impression. Good luck!

  • Hi, i'd like to present my game.

    The game was created about a year or two ago, and these days i've decided to release it on mobile.

    Google play: ... elshootout

    If somebody has a kind of feedback or questions please welcome!

  • Hey fellas!

    Here i'm trying to hit Google play market

  • Having problems with chartboost (and other video ads are also not working)

    1) Open the sample CAPX from cordova chartboost

    2) add App & Signature ID

    3) Export Cordova

    4) Delete Config.xml + IntelXDK.xml

    5) Zip

    6) Upload to Cocoon.IO

    7) Plugins

    - Inappbrowser

    - Custom -> ... tboost.git

    8) Developer APP (Sucess)

    9) Live version (Failed = after cocoon splash screen the game quits instantly)

    I'm also having this issue.

    I've bought a pack of the plugins because of the chartboost ad rewards addon, but it doesn't work at all...

    Can we have a solution?


  • I can confirm this issue.

    Tested on Intel XDK and Cocoon also. App is crashing.

    Can we have a solution from the developer of this plugin ?

    When i bought this plugin i thought it supposed to be working, isn't it?


    Or maybe some of you guys on the forum knows how to fix that?


  • Hi everybody.

    I've added Chartboost ad plugin to my C2 project. ( rewarded video plugin)

    When i'm trying to test it from intel xdk ( app preview) it works fine on the android phone,

    but when i'm building app, it doesn't work on a phone and the app quits instantly.

    On the other phone it shows server connection issue ( and shows a path to the android assets, index.html etc)

    Did anyone had this issue?


  • Thanks for the answer!

    I found an and easy way how to do that:

    To hear from the index.html file i put some code to it.

    i need index.html file to read from the linked js file in the game folder

    We have to know ads availability to make an action in construct .

    That code was pasted to the end of the index.html file.

    Inside the bottom <script></script> brackets

    function checkForAd()
     //make sure webstorage is supported
     if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined")
      	//check if the key exists
      	if (//type your funtion from any of the js files you have in your project) {
      		console.log("Ad is available; localforage is " + localforage);
      	 	localforage.setItem("adAvailable", "yes", function(){
      	 		console.log("item has set to: yes");
      	else {
      		console.log("Ad is NOT available; localforage is " + localforage);
       		localforage.setItem("adAvailable", "no", function(){
       			console.log("item has set to: no");
     	console.log("localforage.adAvailable=" + localforage.getItem("adAvailable"));
     } else {
     	console.log("Storage is undefined");
    In the construct i made some actions:
    Every level i need to call this script to not left it sleep ( just to be sure it works), by Executing javascript: "checkForAd();"
    Each time we loose the game we checks the availability of the local storage key : LocalStorage- check item exist: "adAvailable"
    On iten "adAvailable"  exist we are getting it: LocalStorage get item: "adAvailable"
    And then, on item Get, we can compare it's key  or just do our action we plan, for me it to create a button.
    So, i hope it can help you to hear from the html file or js file any function you need.
  • Hi Guys, i'm spending a lot of time in searching how to get js data from the external js file, but no luck.

    I have added *.js file to the project folder, and i need to pick a function from this file.

    So, if this function or value inside of it is true(or exist), i'm switching my value inside a Construct and executing new js

    Is anybody know how to do that? Or maybe you can point me to the existing tutorials that i missed.

    Many thanks!

  • Sometimes, we need to remove sound from the problem devices like galaxy s3, sharp, xperia Z , and hide audio button on them.

    I found a solution for that.

    First, we need to add an events and global variable to a project:


    Then, we need to export the game and add a code to the index.html

    // Create new runtime using the c2canvas
    //put a code right here in your index.html
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    		var isSthree = ((/gt-i9300|gt-i9305|gt-i9301|sgh-n064|sgh-n035|sch-j021|sgh-t999l/i).test(ua)); 
    		var isSharp = ((/SHL24|SHL23|SHL22|SHL25|SHL21/i).test(ua)) && !/(firefox|opera|chrome)/i.test(ua);
    		var isXperia = ((/D6603|D6616|D6633|D6643|D6653|L55t|L55u|D6708/i).test(ua)) && !/(firefox|opera|chrome)/i.test(ua);
    		var isXperiaZ = ((/C6602|C6603|C6606|C6616|SO-02E/i).test(ua)) && !/(firefox|opera|chrome)/i.test(ua);
    		var isIE10 = /MSIE 10/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
    		var isTest = false;
    		// var isTest = false;
    		delete sessionStorage.rm_disablesound;
    		if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined")
    		  if(isSthree || isSharp || isIE10 || isTest || isXperia || isXperiaZ) 
    		   sessionStorage.rm_disablesound = 1;  
    That code was written not by me and i can't explain it  throughly.

    Create blank sub event under your main evet ( for example "button was clicked")

    Select System- Compare values



    = Equal to

    "enter layout's name" - with quotes

    And then add action to switch to the required layout.
