machrider's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, I know I asked this in my other post but I felt like it'd be better off to make a new post about this.

    I can't seem to figure out how to destroy the ball object after it has bounced two times. Not only that, but I want to make it so that a sound effect plays every time it bounces off of a wall.

    I was thinking of making is so when the ball collides with a solid, it rasies a private variable up by 1. Then when it gets to a certain value, it destroys itself. But that doesn't work. The value stays at zero even when it collides with the wall. It doesn't play a sound effect either, no matter what I do.

    There doesn't seem to be an event option to check for if the ball has "bounced" or not. Maybe I'm wrong. But I can't seem to figure out how to do this simple thing in Construct. Could anyone help me out?

  • Actually, I have another thing I'm confused about.

    How do I make it so the ball object destroys itself after 2 bounces? I tried putting a private variable and making it add to the variable every time it collides with a solid, but it doesn't work. When I look at it through debug mode, the variable stays at 0.

    I'm also trying to make it play a "ricochet" noise but that doesn't work either when I tell it to play the wav while the bullet collides with the platform. There doesn't seem to be an option to check whether the ball has bounced off of something or not.

  • Thanks again, Ashley.

  • How do I make the ball object rotate to where the mouse pointer is?

    I am trying to make a platform shooting game where you can aim your shots with the mouse. I want to use the ball object because the game idea I have in mind deals with bouncing bullets off of walls in creative ways to solve puzzles, etc.

    I tried several things (rotation options, etc) but I can't get the bullets to fire in the direction of the mouse.

  • Device name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series

    Pixel shader: 3

    Estimated VRAM: 1275 MB

    Motion blur: Yes

    Edit: Although it doesn't say. my video card is the Radeon HD 4850.

  • If anyone remembers a while back, I tried to make a 2D space sim game using the physics engine. Back before this update it worked extremely well and moved very fluidly.

    Well anyway, it doesn't work anymore. The new physics broke it. Now my ship moves really really slowly and is unable to rotate itself anymore.

    Here is the latest .cap I have of it (before I kind of stopped working on it):

    Is there anything I need to change it get it back to the way it was before? Or is this new physics engine broken or just not compatible with what I'm trying to do anymore?

    I mean, I don't know why but it seems like adding torque doesn't work the same way it did before (or even work at all for that matter). And I'm sure there's a lot more things that are different than that, but overall it doesn't seem to be working quite the same way with any of the projects I've made before.

  • That's ingenious! There's not much else I can say. Just brilliant. I would have never thought of doing it that way.

  • You might want to make the house at more of an angle then. Try to get it to match with the character. Look at screen shots from the game "Earthbound" and I think you'll good idea of the angle you need for the buildings. Right now it looks as though the character is prone on the ground and crawling, but you can easily fix that by putting the buildings at the correct viewing angle.

    Edit: Here, just to save you some time:

    <img src="">

    Also huge image of a town from Earthbound composed of many screen shots:

    Anyway, try to make the buildings at that sort of angle/perspective. Make them more upright and taller. Make it so you can see more of the front side of the building rather than mostly seeing the top. Something along the lines of what I just posted would look best for the type of sprites you're using now.

  • I can confirm that this bug has been fixed in the latest Construct version. Thanks! I'm glad I could be of assistance. I'll be sure to report any other bugs I find as I encounter them. Keep up the good work.

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  • So, you can't reproduce it. Damn, I thought I was on to something. Why isn't it doing that for me? I was pretty certain I had found the cause of the one of the many dreaded file corrupting bugs here.

    Well, I guess not. It happens every time I try to do it too (no matter what, image size or whatever). I'm really don't know what to do about it other than not use the import frames feature.

  • No, I didn't. Moreover, I can't. It's a bug in the code, deep with in the program itself. I'm just reporting it so that Ashley can fix it.

    But on a side note, if you want, you could help out by trying to see if you can reproduce this bug on your end. Follow the steps I showed below or even just try using the "import frames" option on the animation bar and tell me if you can get the same result. I've been able to reproduce this bug without fail every single time I've tried.

    I hope Ashley finds the source of this problem and fixes it soon. Glitches like these that end up corrupting save data are the some of the worst (if not, the worst) types of bugs imaginable. It's a good thing that I discovered this now beforehand otherwise it would become a much bigger problem later.

  • I made a video showing step by step what happens whenever I try to import an animation (using the "Import Frames" option) into Construct, here:

    I suggest you watch that first, since it speaks for itself or at least much more than I can.

    Anyway, as you can see. I open Construct. I tell it to create a new Direct X game. I then try to add a sprite (and leave it blank, although it doesn't matter anyway).

    Then I click on the sprite, try to import frames into the Animation Bar, click on/hover over the Animation Bar and then viola, everything goes to hell. The main window crashes and everything goes haywire.

    I then try to save my file (hoping that I can recover something) and open it and I end up with nothing more than a corrupt file.

    (By the way, ignore the part where I accidentally open the insert object menu while it is glitching. I pressed something by accident in the confusion. That has nothing to do with anything.)

    Edit: By the way, here are the images I tried to import into Construct if you need them:

    Edit: Actually, ignore my previous edit. It seems like it doesn't matter what images you use. If I try to import ANYTHING, it causes the same behavior. It hangs regardless of what the image is. That is regardless of size or file type or anything. It just seems to hang and go haywire whenever the "Import Frames" option is used to import something.

  • This is one of the things I've been suggesting all along. If you could add DirectInput support, I will be eternally grateful. Please, do it. Seriously, If you do, I will love you forever (okay, just kidding but still).

    With DirectInput support, I could easily make a much better version of the space simulator I was working on before, since I'd be able to use analog stick detection through DirectInput. Plus, I could finally try making some games with console style controls (maybe a fighting game, that would be nice).

  • I guess it may have been a fluke. I tried to reproduce this bug by unplugged my internet connection but even then Construct works.

    But when my modem had no sync, it didn't work. Hmm.. I don't know. At any rate, everything works fine now. I'm not sure what the problem was but anyway it doesn't matter now.

  • My internet connection went out today. During this time, I tried to open up Construct but each time I did, the program kept freezing at start up.

    When my internet connection went back up, I opened Construct and I was able to use the program without any problems.

    I suspect the auto internet update check feature causes my computer to hang when there is no internet connection available. Is there any way to disable it?