's Forum Posts

  • I think you're probably right. I'm going to switch to stable release and wait for it to catch up.

  • I think I've asked this before, but I keep having issues. When I go into C3, the dialog asks me to update. I click update and then next time I go back into C3, it asks to update again as it has reverted to the old version. Anyone else experiencing this? Is it because I am updating to Beta? I have beta selected in the Settings as well for checking for updates.

  • zenox98 Thanks!

    Nice site BTW for duckduckgo. Like the illustrations and concept of not tracking personal data! Did you work with a team? Sorry, couldn't private message you for some reason.

  • I think its wasting

    How do you mean?

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  • Tested (viewportleft+viewportright)/2 and it still doesn't give you the middle of viewport even if it's on the same layer. It's sometimes more left and sometimes more right depending on where my player is.

    However, your other method of, "viewportleft+(originalwindowwidth/2)" actually worked! Thanks!

  • I noticed that "abs(ViewportLeft(0)+ViewportRight(0)/2" places an object in the middle of the Viewport. This is fine if you scroll to the middle of your game at the start of the layout to work for various screen sizes. However, I noticed that this calculation is not the viewable area, but the center of the layout width.

    Does anyone know how to place an object in the center of the viewable area? For example, a tall phone screen should see this object in the center as well as someone on a tablet - even if the viewable area is scrolled to the left or to the way right when spawning this new object.

  • blackhornet You're right. That did the trick! Can't believe I missed that.

  • Did people successfully get C3 spacing data to work or do we need to go back to using arrays to arrange spacing?

    Pasting something like this into the Spacing Data field doesn't seem to work:



  • What's the best way to use tilemaps for solid collision? Does it listen for collision on every tile drawn on the map? Is it better to have just a visual tilemap and overlay it with invisible solid shapes?

  • When I launch the latest release, it doesn't stick. How do I upgrade my version of Construct 3 permanently?

    1. Can't open project as it was created with newer version

    2. Go to latest Construct releases and launch the latest version and everything works fine.

    3. Close out and reopen file. Can't because it reverted to older version.

  • Not sure of everyone's different mobile performance issues, but just a simple sprite moving with either sine or dt positioning to follow mouse will look sort of smooth, but then it stutters every few seconds. It seems like it goes from 60fps to 30 then back up to 60 on webview exported for mobile

  • Thanks everyone and Toby R for the detailed test cases. I had the same thought as Toby. Once faster mobile phones are more widely used, this will become less of an issue. I wish at least Note 8 would have a steady 60fps for webview, but I still get some noticeable stutter. For now, I will revert to Construct 2 and Canvas+ for production quality releases, but will still continue to build prototypes in Construct 3. Still a great web tool! Love it!

  • gatostao thanks! Yup! Next time!

  • Thanks Ashley . I've tested on a couple devices including Note 8 and there are slight stutters every 5-10 seconds for Webview. It's subtle, but definitely there. Canvas+ doesn't seem to have the same issue so not exactly sure why some of us are experiencing this.