's Forum Posts

  • How do you do this with mobile touch controls rather than keyboard? Any tricks to do simple one action?

  • Do you have the capx file? I can't open your cap

  • There is a bound to layout behaviour that might help.

    Thanks but that only helps from the object leaving the edges of the screen. It will still move around within the layout, so this method doesn't work.

  • I have a joystick control and as my player moves around, the screen pans but it makes my joystick go off the screen. Because of this, i applied a anchor behavior, but its twitchy and doesn't remain 100% static. how else can i make the joystick stick to the viewable screen?

  • You could randomize the forward movement and angle of movement. Also move towards a point. Will give a wandering effect. If you ever get to the point you can just randomize a new target point within a given range.

    EDIT: Had some time so put the example together. Every now and then exhibits a bit of mob mentality, but explains the idea.

    This is great! Thanks. However, it's not following the player as much as I want to.

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  • Top down zombie shooter:

    How do I make zombies wander around in a given area?

    Pathfinding behavior seems too specific as it only goes to one location. This is good because I can make it destroy a door, but once the door is destroyed, I want the zombie to enter and wander around looking for the next thing to do (break windows, break more doors, break walls, find player)

  • Mastering AI is the hardest thing for me.

    • I have a building in the middle of the map.
    • I want the horde of zombies to know I am in the building, but they're not sure where in the building I am. (this is to prevent zombies going up and down when I move around on the inside of the building)
    • I need them to scout around the building with some attacking the doors and some attacking walls and some wandering some more.

    How do I make AI with pathfinding walk around the building and try to find a way in?

  • I like that route of finding door first. How do I make it so that they walk around the building rather than going straight to door first? (sorry separate topic)

  • I did the custom behavior which kinda works, but they teleport cause they squeeze in too hard.

  • What collisions are enabled and solid is applied to player and enemy, the horde of enemies collide and push the player, but the horde overlap each other. How do I prevent this?

  • Enemies find a way to player only when there is a hole in a solid. How do I have them pathfind through a destructible solid?

    Example: I have a house with door. I want enemies to find way to door and destroy it.

  • How do i use the Pick Nearest/farthest but only by Y and not by X and Y?

  • i dont get it. could you elaborate for me? i looked at the code and dont see the simularities of what im goimg for,

  • which: nearest

    X: 0-740 (how do i do a range here?)

    Y: 740