ludei's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    Well, Canvas+ is our own code. Webview+ is based in Chromium (Android) and in the WkWebview (iOS). The System Webview depends on the device. My recommendation is to have a look at the device log. There must be something not fully supported.


  • Hello,


    > HOWEVER...


    > there are Atomic Plugins made by Ludei, but you can't use them yet in ludei cloud service. Ludei told that they are still working on updating their cloud service.


    > When they will do that (= native AdMob in Canvas+ / WebView+) then CocoonJS will shine like a star



    Atomic plugins look promising, hopefully the cloud activation isn't far away. Thank you for the summary.

    It is not far, but it requires more work than expected. The main problem we are facing now it that we are moving to Cordova. And we are testing what implies to export C2 using Cordova for Canvas+ and the Atomic Plugins. So far, C2 requires jQuery. Canvas+ does not support it yet. That is why is taking some time.

    In addition, it will be possible not only to use the atomic plugins, but any single plugin available on a public cordova repository.


  • We didn't change anything recently. But we are aware that Mopub does not work really well. That is why we are developing new plugins and, hopefully, it will be possible to use them in the cloud compiler.

    However, if you send us a test case through our community, we can have a look at it.


  • I'm very interested in this feature -playing videos on android- so, is there any way to know where the beta will be launched?

    thanks againg and regards.

    It is in our plans to allow users to register their email in order to receive notifications when the beta is available. We will post it on our blog and on this forum to keep you all informed.


  • Does anyone knows if CJS supports AJAX and XML?

    Depending on the environment you want to use. The Webview+ supports it. However, Canvas+ does not.


  • Hello,

    Is there an error on the log? Have you updated the banner Ids? Have you tried to use the launcher? If you can see ads in the launcher, that means there is something missing or wrong in your configuration. Those are our ads. It is a good method to detect where the error is .

    Last time this happened it was caused by an old id. As soon as we created all Mopub ids again and we linked them in our tests, they started to work again.


  • Hello,

    We are working on a new extension for Canvas+ for videos. We are currently testing it. In addition, we are working on a new cloud based in cordova in which there is a new Webview+ for android that does support videos. We are planning to open it in beta in the nearly future.


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  • Hello,

    However, we still cannot use the full features of CJS, like the local/push notification, due to lack of support. Is there any plans for that? I'm really hunger for that.

    It is in our plans to keep on creating more atomic plugins, as you can see here:

    And we plan to adapt them for C2 too.

  • Hello,

    Well, it depends on the environment you want to use. Today we published a new plugin for Admob and Mopub. But right now it is just available for Webview+. In addition, you need to use the cordova exporter, because this plugin is still not included in the cloud.

    In case you are interested, here is the repo:

    If what you want is Canvas+, then the only option you have at the moment is to use Admob through Mopub.

    Here is the plugin and a demo for C2:

    If after having a look at it, you still can't see any ads, you can visit our community and show our support team the device log. They will try to help you.


  • We are working as fast as we can. I can't tell anything about the new cloud yet, just that it is a work in progress.

    About the plugins, here they are:

    Right now, there is only one for ads (but Admob is supported). There is a brief explanation about how to use them with cordova exportations.


  • Hello,

    The first thing I noticed after testing the exporter is that our plugin prelude is missing in the exportation (I will try to solve it later). So if you were trying to use the plugin, it won't work.

    Apart from that, after exporting, are you just compressing the folder and uploading it to the cloud? If so, that might be the problem. The cloud compiler is expecting a www folder + a config.xml file.

    I need to have a further look at this issue, but I hope this can help a little.

    In addition:

    Does anyone know if there is any way to debug this error deeper than using the "default" cocoonJS launcher console?

    You can try the "adb logcat" command for Android or the device log provided by xcode.

    Oh, and one thing more: the cordova.js file is something that cordova will add automatically to your project. Do not worry for that.


  • but you could also look into issue mentioned by gonzdevour because Ashley will not do anything about that.

    And black screen is ok for 3-4 seconds, but longer time can cause negative reactions So it would be nice if progress bar or % could work again.

    If something can be done, it will be done in the new cloud :/. However, not sure if it can be fixed, because we can't control C2 default behaviour.


  • Hello,

    That is why I said it was just the first part of a big release . The second one will be in beta soon. It is a new cloud compiler based in cordova. Choosing execution environment will be easier than ever. Apart from that:

    • We'll provide all the functionality to forget about local compilations. Compile and sign directly in the cloud
    • Use the new atomic plugins at the cloud
    • Edit the config.xml file live from the site
    • Use Canvas+ and Webview+ in your Cordova projects

    This features are the ones you might be interested on, there are more. And all of this just in the beta. The final release will be way better .


  • Hello,

    First of all, I finally bring good news. I would like to present you all our new Atomic Plugins.

    Really important:

    1) They are NOT specific for Canvas+ or the Webview+. They are multiplatform and, if you create a cordova project, you will be able to use them as soon as we adapt them for C2, but not yet at the cloud.

    2) Do not use the cloud. They are not yet integrated in the cloud due to this multiplatform feature and because we are planning to improve its functionality in the following weeks.

    3) This is the first part of a big release. There are features that are not finished yet and we are still working on them (apart from these new plugins) and they affect the cloud and all the services.

  • Hello,

    Not sure if it is related, but I saw a line that might not be working anymore. Just in case, my recommendation is to update it, because it might affect sooner or later.

    As you know, we updated completely our C2 plugin, and the prelude was replaced. In addition, CocoonJS is no longer called like that inside the plugin, the object is called Cocoon.

    In the plugin, I saw this: CocoonJS["App"]["setAppShouldFinishCallback"](function ()

    It should be: Cocoon.App. exitCallback(function () ... or Cocoon["App"]["exitCallback"](function () ...

    Here is the documentation involved:
