hi lucid zip file is not importing in construct 3. Even I tested old files but not importing. I tested it with last 2 released plugins but not working but its working on version 2-6-2021b
take this
DiegoM If I have 2 instance of the same object "objA" and I set "objB" as a child to the first instance of "objA" then "objB" is created in runtime but if I set "objB" as a child of second instance of the "objA" instead of first instance then runtime never create "objB" in the runtime.
How do I select between two hierarchy of the same object in "create object" action ?
I followed your instructions and called function inside the function and after that added 1 to "i" and it worked. I don't know how it working but its working. I will read about it. I did check in manual there is no Recursion word used.
Thanks for help
dop2000 Yes I want to change opacity of sprites one by one with 0.2s delay.
and I didn't heard word "recursive" before.
I also added for each but still not working
What's wrong in this code? This code triggered only once.
I have seen "ObjectRepository" layout in most of the construct built in example files, I wondered why they create layout and place objects in it. Can anybody explain me the reason behind it?
anyone ? How to make shake like this
add force to objects on shake mobile.
When I add tween behaviour on spiter object and tween scale then doesn’t work
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oosyrag this is exactly what I am saying
ahha! this is working as expected
Thank you
can we also add force by shaking mobile? I shake mobile left right to add force in sprite.
start of the layout I set gravity to 0 and then everytick -> Sprite: Apply Physics force (Touch.AccelerationXWithG-1, Touch.AccelerationYWithG) at image point 0
Its not working as expected. objects moving slowly and also in opposite direction
How do I make physics like this with mobile tilt?
start watching from 2:34