luckyrawatlucky's Forum Posts

  • i have game

    gun shooting to an Aim

    i want to shoot bullets when mouse button is released


    when i click pause button


    time scale works fine

    but bullets are spawned at Gun's Point and when i click play button all spawned bullets are fired together


    even that when i click play button, reload button or any button

    bullet is fired


    pls help me at this point



    if possible give any sample file

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  • I have layout

    which contains two things

    one is background selection

    second is player selection

    both have 6 icons

    6 of BG and 6 of Player

    top of the layer i have give buttons named background and player



    now my want is

    if i click background button then player icons should be invisible

    and if i click player button then background icon should be invisible


    i had tried invisible option

    i.e click player button > BG icon invisible

    it works fine

    but problem is

    when BG icons are invisible they are still working


    now player icons are active

    if i click player icon then it clicks BG icon too.






    give any suggestion in this regard

  • follow this tutorial

    may be it can help you

  • pls help me

    i have completed my game

    and now i want to monetize it


    pls tell me how to put advertisements in my game

    and who will be best benefitial advt publisher

  • if anybody can send me a sample file of using WebStorage

    i will be so thankful


    i m not getting from tutorials and manuals


    pls give me a WebStorage


    i want to save

    a) level progress

    b) points earned

    c) unlocked backgrounds

    d) unlocked Player skin


    i have used global variable

    a) star : 0

    b) current level : 0

    c) bullets : 10

    d) Points earned : 0



    how could i save these progress

    pls if anybody can send me a sample file of saving these progress

  • thanks brother !

  • thanks friends



    one thing more ...

    IS all played level will be save on startup of game



  • pls give me any step by step guide for saving my levels game progress



    i have read manual but not getting very well


    if i want to make five slots to save i.e

    save 1

    save 2

    save 3

    save 4

    save 5

    then how to do this

    and if i want to add name instead of save1, save2 ... , what player want, then how to do this



    pls give me any solution or if possible then give any sample or demo



    pls help

  • Dear Friends

    i have 12 levels and game is about shooting target with gun


    my need is

    i have 10 bullets per level

    if i finish 1st level with 1 bullet then other 9 bullets wlll added to extra point

    in 2nd level

    if i finish level with 6 or something then other remaining bullets will added to extra points


    pls help me

    How to do this

  • i have followed


    this link

    add scirra link your self

    i cant post links

  • global number Stars = 0

  • i have global variable bullets =10

    when bullet spawn it reduced by 1


    i am giving stars for level and condition is

    Event: end of the layout

    subevent : bullets are 9 then add star3, if 8 then 2, if 7 then 1


    this is not working

  • 1st is OK i have done it

    2nd for Giving Star

    condition end of layout is not working for me

    but when i gave condition touch the target then stars are working


    I think I can help.


    For your first problem, I don't know if this is the better way to do this, but this is how I've done it in all my games so far.

    Create a sprite to display the amount of bullets you want, and set the each frame with a number of bullets.

    For instance, in the frame 0 you put nothing, at frame 1 you draw 1 bullet, at frame 2 you draw 2 bullets and so on. Then you create a variable to keep track of the amount of bullets the player still have, starting with 10 and decreasing every shot. And for last every time the player shoot you create the condition to decrease the value from this variable and at the same time set the frame of your sprite to the value of your variable. Therefore, if the variable is 10, the sprite frame will be 10 and it should display 10 bullets, after you shoot the variable should change to 9 and then the sprite frame should change to the value of the variable ( 9 ) displaying then... 9 bullets.


    This is quite simple actually, all you need to do is at the end of the game is check the remaining bullets o-o

    You know the player starts with 10 bullets, so if he finishes the game with 9 this means the shot only once, give him 3 starts. Nothing much to explain here.

    Hope I could help

  • this is in c 212.2

    and my is 200

    i can't update because it gets error on update

    if possible pls send in c 200