lucid's Forum Posts

  • good one newt.

    iraq'd my brain trying to think of more, but iran of ideas.

    I started it today and finished it today.

    I wasn't being syria's.

  • I'm glad you finally finnished it!

    sorry, couldn't resist

  • i realize there are people who create things that slow down construct exe's, myself included, but for the most part, if your games have cpu induced slowdown, it's inefficient events. think about games that use multicores. crysis and dirt come to mind. if someone's pc can't handle the physics in a construct game, their cpu is probably to old to be multicore. if its something other than physics slowing a computer down in a construct game, optimize the events. it would be cool just to say "supports multicore processors", but i think the time it'd take to learn and implement a multicore event system would be wasted, especially since as i said before, if your cpu supports multicore, it will have no problem with a construct game. i have a fairly old dualcore athlon x2 4200+, and i can fill a large portion of the screen with 64x64 physics objects before i get slowdown. its just not really needed.

  • are the verions on the cvs always the latest versions? and is there an easy way to tell/are they always stable versions? i'm planning to alter the sprite plugin for my own diabolical purposes(a plugin i won't be releasing), and i wanted to make certain it was the latest stable version.

  • turns out word wrap is the hardest thing ever thought of

    anywho, sorry no beta yet

    but we're getting close

    there's a slight issue with vertical alignment on wrapped text to get worked out

    and then it should be downhill(in the good way) from there

    here's what's working though:

    <img src="">

    left right center, top bottom center alignment

    word wrap

    horizontal and vertical scrolling

    and wraparound scrolling

    also get phrase height

    and get phrase width

    set spacing per character, and for all characters

    and though the actions aren't there, setting individual character widths and heights as well

    don't worry, we're getting there

    appreciate your word processor developers

    holy crap

    word wrap was the bane of my existence for a day and half

    especially for centered and right aligned text

    but I conquered it and it has been vanquished

  • thanks ash

    but what I meant was

    let's say that all my values are set either on OnCreate, OnFrame

    or through Actions, and no values set through properties

    I wouldn't need any Edittime serialization at all, right?

  • >

    > it's not like people are born knowing how to use construct

    > nah mean?


    Depends if you raise your child to only know construct

    not true, then it would still be a taught/learned behavior; knowledge acquired after birth,

    I was referring to genetically innate, or instinctual construct knowledge

  • Try Construct 3

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  • k

    I've been having a problem where a cap I'm working on

    suddenly the Preview exe's crash immediately

    once it happens once, it's done, no undoing or removing of events will fix it.

    this coincides with the Cap being unloadable

    if I exit construct, and try to load the cap again, it just hangs.

    also, if I change the events back to a noncrashing config manually (not through undo),

    it does not fix the problem. Once it happens once, the cap is corrupt,

    or so it seems

    I will make a bug report if I can isolate what's causing it

    I'm using 99.3 and originally I thought this happened only when I attempted to load caps after changing the plugin in between saving and loading, but that isn't it, sometimes it's in the middle of editting the cap

    first, is this a known issue with 99.3?

    if not, could this be caused by not Serializing data?

    as I understand it, I only need to serialize data if it is something edited in properties, for instance.

    if all the plugin variables are set through events or conditions, it doesn't affect the edittime at all, so it need not be edittime serialized, correct?

  • (what do you win?)

    a coupon for a free small fries from McDonald's

  • oh!

    I thought when you said no new major features until 2.0

    online play was definitely out

    this is good news

  • Device name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS

    Pixel shader: 3

    Estimated VRAM: 2403 MB

    Motion blur: Yes

  • k

    this is tested, it returns the right value and everything

    forreal this time

    the exact code you just posted

    and this in getdata will return your param back to you


    long ExtObject::GetData(int id, void* param)
    	int* myint =(int*)param;
    	return *myint;
    sorry for all the wrong answers 
    and to be clear, this also works:
    [code:1nhqf3aj]long ExtObject::GetData(int id, void* param)
    	return *(int*)param;
    you are type casting the void pointer to a int pointer (      (int*)      )
    then you are dereferencing this pointer to get the value of what it's pointing to
    please post back to make sure this worked for you
  • no

    I bet I said something wrong

    gimme a few minutes

    I'm going to start from an empty sdk

    and tell you exactly

  • ok

    simple example

    long ExtObject::GetData(int id, void* param)
    	//this would just return the second parameter as an integer....sorry no asterisk needed
    	return (int)param;
    sorry, you don't need any asterisks there, I just compiled an example to make sure this works
    [code:2x70bejr]int* MyIntPointer;  // a pointer to an integer
    not sure if it was my confusion that confused you, 
    or if you're not clear on pointers themselves
    but the way they work is like so:
    int* MyIntPointer; // a pointer to an integer, holds the memory address of an integer
    int MyInt; // I'm pretty sure you know what this is   
    MyIntPointer = &MyInt   // Now MyIntPointer points to the Address of MyInt(& is the address of operator) 
    [code:2x70bejr]MyInt = 3;[/code:2x70bejr]
    *MyIntPointer  is equal to 3
    if I say
    [code:2x70bejr]*MyIntPointer = 5;[/code:2x70bejr]
    MyInt is now equal to 5
    the asterisk before a pointer is called the dereference operator, and makes it so you're basically operating directly on the thing pointed to
    MyIntPointer without the asterisk, is still equal to &MyInt
    hope this made some sense
    Edit:: if you read this before my last edit, read the first part again
    it's (int)param, not int(param)
  • <img src="">