lucid's Forum Posts

  • I'd advise against going over 1024x1024 since the runtime requires temporary textures the size of the window and some video cards will create a 2048x2048 surface for anything bigger.

    really? so it'll kill the speed at 1920x1200?

  • wiz, that is awesome stuff, man

    please post exes and stuff

    that's beautiful

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  • if I 'return 1;' in the OnFrame function, when does it get called again?

    at first I thought that returning 0 was a way to avoid having it get called at all

    but I can see in other plugins that's not the case

  • read you loud and clear,

    the changes have been made and tested with subevents

    thanks as usual

  • "its true..."&newline&"no seriously"

  • why not make it resizable?

  • ok, I got this to work:

    SpriteString is a vector with pointers to each sprite object which is standing in for a character in the written phrase (bitmapped text object)

    so ACE would be three sprite, one for each letter

    in that order, in the vector

    ForEachLoopIndex (//long name I know)is just an int, used for the loop index which the entire object has access to

    long ExtObject::cForEachLetterInPhrase(LPVAL params)


    EventParametersInfo2 epi;








    return false;


    is there anything I'm missing here that will break stuff down the line if I don't add it, and people start using this for more elaborate purposes?

    I also specified SOL_MODIFIER in the ACE

  • This is awesome work so far . Very nice job.

    I can't figure out what the newline character is, though. It looks like two pipes in the edit box to me, but when I type two pipes nothing happens.


    I can't figure out the newline character either

    in construct it's just "newline" (without the quotes)

    I'm not sure about the editbox object though

    when the rest of the plugin is totally working

    I'm going to add editbox functionality anyway, so you can let people type in their names for games and such, without having an invisible edit box

    also, so you can limit it to a certain number of characters, and such

    also, for those of you just joining us:

    click here to try it so far!

  • Here's a simplified pic, which ever condition you put first will ?urn ?lack. Interesting enough, just inverting ?ne ?n it's own event by itself actually PICKS the ?ower/highest doing the opposite. <img src="">

    The ?hing is ? thought it was annoying that it didn't ?ork as expected because the event ? had it ?n was ?ong and thought ? did something wrong somewhere as usual, but luckily because ?f the way ? ?et up my events ? already had a way around it.

    As for your solution, ?ell the event this was ?n wasn't actually that ?imple and was meant to ?ork for any instances that was between the highest and lowest and required inverting to ?ick the rest, but it's already taken care ?f. Thanks.

    I got most of that, but I'll have to brush up on my korean a bit before I can properly respond

  • that's awesome quazi

  • how can you make a looping condition

    if my plugin has a vector of Object Pointers:

    vector<CRunObject*> Objects

    already filled with the needed instance pointers

    and basically like the system:: for each object condition

    it loops through each object in this array

    but there is internal information inside the plugin that is needed for specific index values so the system condition can't be used

    I tried dissecting the sprite :: on collision condition,

    and I can't tell what's necessary for this purpose, and what's there solely for the unique circumstances of collision detection

    can I see a simple example of how to create a looping condition that picks one object per iteration?

  • btw, after seeing some more natal vids, and the commercial, and such

    I'm equally excited for those possibilities

    2010 is going to be the future!

    just like the old days

  • [quote:3j0qlbdb] I think it was at this point that the innovation started to ebb, and formulaic game design started to show, closely followed by the gimmicky Wii.

    It's only Nintendo doing this? Personally I think most companies in the commercial area are doing this. If you didn't notice PS3 and Xbox are both trying to incorperate the wii's "gimmicks" for themselves to further expand their audience.

    yes, alot of companies in the commercial area are doing this, but not to beat a dead horse, but littlebig again, spore, team fortress 2, left4dead, okami all come to mind as different enough not to be purely formulaic. and the fact that wii has motion controllers isn't the problem. it's the fact that every wii game uses those controllers as an excuse not to have a real game underneath. raving rabids came out for pc for some reason, and playing it with the mouse shows how much it's not even a game, using motion controls to enhance a game is one thing, reducing your game to nothing but a motion controller tech demo is a whole different thing.

    btw, when I first tried the wii, I was blown away with the amount of disappointment that could be experienced in a single moment. what the wii controller should have been is what the ps3 motion controller is. you can swing a sword, and have your character swing it the same exact way. that's what I thought zelda would be like. that's what the wiimote should have been, instead, swinging the controller is the equivalent of pressing a button. it's completely lame, to put it simply. and the wiimote motion plus, is going to be like the ps3 motion controller, except with lag, which while a huge improvement, is still pretty lame. and btw, project natal is lightyears beyond the wiimote.

    [quote:3j0qlbdb][quote:3j0qlbdb]genuinely don't like what the Wii is doing to the gaming industry

    Oh no! They're adding motion controls! They're being experimental! At least they're daring enough to make the bold steps first for what most likely will continue to be improved in the ages to come.

    adding motion controls is very cool and experimental, if they had done it right. they didn't, but let's just pretend they had. using motion controls as a coverup for shallow games is lame. imagine wii sports with a regular controller, because once again, when you swing a remote, you're basically just pressing a button. imagine wii sports tennis. you press a button when the ball gets close. uh....not fun. at least in pong you got to move your paddle

    yeah, that's why I'm glad controllers and console style games are starting to come to pcs

    and also why I bought a ps3 instead of a 360, all the killer app for 360 are fps's, and while the ps3 isn't much better, the exclusives for the most part are not fps's

    I'm really looking forward to the motion controllers for both systems, and if they use the Natal to the fullest, I will probably buy an xbox360 as well

  • sorry ash, like I said

    I don't anticipate anyone needing 1,000 objects

    it's just going to be a simple plugin for those rare cases when you want to bypass picking

    if you have a very specific set of tracking algorithms

    and none of the picking, family, object pairing methods is a good solution

    so you can make an object array, and be able to pick any random index or range of indexes

    and have these aligned with another object array of say hashtables, if you wish

    also, for stack and queue picking of the objects in the array

    that's going to be the only purpose of the plugin

    I used 1,000 as a purposefully extreme number, because I wanted to make sure the object pointers themselves were an insignificant amount of ram, which they are, I see

  • post a screenshot

    I can't tell what's a subevent, and whats another condition in the same event

    but there are two ways you can do this

    one that uses variables, and one that uses double families

    the private variables method:

    enemy pick with highest x


    a new event

    pick with lowest x


    then set your middle enemies x to lowX+((highX-lowX)/2)

    or you could set it to lerp(lowX,highX,0.5)

    the way with families would be

    make the enemies members of two families

    let's say low is blue, and high is red

    Red pick with highest X

    subevent(blue pick with lowest x)

    create new enemy x at blue.x+((red.x-blue.x)/2)

    or lerp(blue.x,red.x,0.5)