Exist a program what i can do this.
A program which makes from my voice a another different. Should be maked 25 different voices.
I want showing images while a big layout load not ended, possible somehow?
I dont understand please keep it simple.
I only want a array not family with coordinates(x,y)
In unity a lot easier. Ááááá
How to make a array that collected object positions?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
A want store positions because i want get a random pos from a collections.
I why dont make an array with vectors?
If the power of collision is too big,then enemy must died. Another else enemy life must decreased to only one.
How to get power of the collision?
There is a particle consisting of 40 pictures my effect.
how I may call it the addforce method they the particle onto pictures forming an effect what collide with a thrower weapon?
I want a smoke into which if I throw a thrower weapon, an airflow to which rise was given with the thrower weapon then into it blows out the single part of the smoke.
In unity very easy.
Color.Lerp(Color.white, Color.black, Time.time);
How do I change color with built in replace color shader of construct2 with lerp?
I want a smoothed color changer function. I want use lerp with colors, it is possible?
I have two sprite.
Player and sword.
If the player sprite moving that also can moving sword.
Sory for my english.
I dont want use family.
A want a child object.
Example what i want:
sqrdestructPower = 5;
if(collisionAnotherObject && sqrdestructPower > relativevelocity.sqrmagnitude )
destroy object.
Understand thanks your answer but in the c2 box2d physics why not maked defaultly magnitude and sqrmagnitude for a better physics? And in the unity why is? Magnitude is a often used members.
I do not like to code and math therefore I like c2 but I often feel that c2 expressions and built in members very few.
I dont want math.
in unity game engine is possible.
float maxcollisionpower = 8f;
float sqrmaxcollisionpower = maxcollisionpower * maxcollisionpower;
if (obj.velocity.sqrmagnitude == sqrmaxcollisionpower)
I this want in c2. Possible?
Why dont come answer for this question maybe nobody dont know what is magnitude or why?
Sory guys but i now are very fustraded. 😢
I want comparing magnitude variable with a another local variable for the checking a if statement.
for(int i = 0; i < array.Length; ++i)