lolpaca's Forum Posts

  • Really fun! Feels like a very arcadey game, sorta like a platformy Smash TV or something. I can see a lot of potential in it!

    Personally I'd be tempted to grab some placeholder graphics from wherever you can find - something like the Spriters Resource will probably have plenty of stuff that fits the bill - and just see how it looks with some nice graphics on it, but that's me. Look forward to seeing what you do with it

  • Really nice start! The Spelunky influence is clear, but I like all the little bits you've added to make it different. Look forward to seeing what you do with it!

  • Also, the long-promised devlog. I'll still update this thread now and then, but this is where the most frequent updates will be happening from now on!

  • Pathfinding's not really an option for my project unfortunately, as so much of the terrain is destructible it requires frequent regeneration of the obstacle map, which causes stutters - unless there is some more efficient way to do it that I don't know about. Otherwise it'd be ideal.

    EDIT - This is my project by the way, you can see what I mean about the tunnels and obstacles. If you make it to the boss room, he spawns skeletons, which use the Boids/MoveTo combination I described above. However, the boss room's a big open space with no obstacles. I'll keep chipping away at it though, there must be a solution! ... index.html

  • Cheers guys, my capx is a bit of an unholy mess at the moment but I'll try to mock up something like what I want to achieve and post it up soon. I did manage to get something sort of working with solids, but as before - and even with the refined collision boxes - they glitched around a lot when they clumped up, and sometimes jumped through walls in the tunnels, which isn't ideal!

    Actually I got sort of halfway there with a combination of MoveTo and the Boids flocking behaviours. The mobs chase and keep a good distance from one another without glitching - now I just need to figure out a way to get them to navigate around obstacles.

    monitz87 your solution sounds interesting, I'll definitely give that a go too. I must admit half the functions in MoveTo are a bit of a mystery to me, I just use it as a lazy man's shortcut to something I'd usually do with Custom Movement!

  • In this update:

    • 2 new rings! 2 random rings now spawn somewhere on the level.
    • Status effects! Ice slows enemies, fire does extra damage, lightning stuns enemies so they can't attack, poison does damage over time.
    • A boss room! You'll find a big, forbidding locked room. The key is somewhere on the level.
    • A boss! Fight him if you dare! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad">
    • Also, death! Permadeath even, it's a roguelike after all... ... index.html

  • This doesn't seem to work, at least not with the MoveTo behaviour - the enemies still just run right through each other. I could try and do it through CustomMovement instead, does that definitely work?

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  • Cool, I'll have a play around with that later. Does the invisible sprite also need to have the main movement routines (eg I'm currently using MoveTo + Line of Sight to chase the player when they can see him), or can you assign those to the main sprite, and just leave the pinned invisible ones as Custom Movement with Solid enabled and it'll work itself out?

    My main problem in the past has been the way sprites sort of 'pop' around the place when pushing out of solids, especially when clumped - it just looks glitchy and bad. A lot of my game is also in very tight tunnels which makes it doubly hard to find something that works.

  • That sounds... hi-tech

    Would you mind telling me a bit more DUTOIT? AI is one of those areas where I suck seriously hard, I find it really frustrating.

  • Does this work with Custom Movement? And is the way it pushes out of solids still kinda glitchy? I really need a good, dependable 'mob' behaviour for a top-down shooter, where enemies will chase the player, surround him if they catch him (rather than all clumping up on the same space) and not clip through solid objects and glitch around while they're doing it. If anyone could point me to someone who's achieved an AI like this I'd be very grateful

  • The Frozen Synapse soundtrack is pretty lovely to code to.

  • The Secret of Monkey Island will always have a very special place in my heart. I think it was the first game I played that was really well-written - genuinely funny, with great dialogue and characters. For a young me who'd mainly played platformers and shoot 'em ups until that point, that was quite eye-opening and definitely changed the way I thought about games.

  • It would look something like this

    The int command tells it to pick a whole number (otherwise you get a load of decimals) and you go from 1 to 101 because random picking always goes from the first number to one less than the second number. Just fill in the events and it should work!

  • Wow, I didn't realise there were as many as all that. Really cool list with some great games. Stick Dungeon Buster on there too, they're currently Greenlighting!

  • Dude, this is really impressive work. The graphics are gorgeous and the system already feels very nice and satisfying to play. Great job, will be keeping an eye on this!