lolpaca's Forum Posts

  • Thanks!

  • Thanks, everyone! The development's reaching an exciting stage, the next one should be a biggie - loads of new rings, new enemies and a locked boss room to take on, so I'll finally have something close to a complete level

    I'd also be interested in hearing how it's performing on people's machines: it always runs fine on my home PC, but that's a pretty hefty beast designed for playing your Skyrims and whatnot. On my work laptop (which doesn't even have a graphics card afaik) it slows to such a crawl that it's practically unplayable.

    This project is intended for Node-Webkit export for reasonably well-equipped desktops, but I'm conscious that there are a lot of particle effects, collision checks and so on going on and I want to keep performance as smooth as I can. Please let me know if it's getting laggy or jerky and if so, what kind of setup you have. (You can press "I" to toggle dev info on and off)

  • I'm also terrible at art, but I just use sprites from old console games ( or open source stuff ( or just whatever I can find on Google Images while I'm working on a project. Personally I like even my placeholders to look good, it gives me a boost and helps me imagine how the finished game will look and feel much better than blank circles and polygons do.

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  • Thanks Yep, still no way to die as yet, that's just me being lazy as it's easier to test things that way! I guess I could just write it in and leave it disabled while I'm testing. The rat sprites are from an old Bitmap Brothers game called The Chaos Engine, but everything's placeholder at the moment, all the sprites (including the dwarf) will eventually be replaced when I get around to getting some custom art drawn.

    Anyway, glad you enjoyed it. My plan for the long term is that you'll be able to smelt rings together to combine their effects, so a sort of build-your-own twin stick shooter/roguelike hybrid. With mining!

  • Holy crap, this looks awesome. I love the art style. But like laennert, I couldn't understand the controls.

  • In this update:

    -Dwarf always spawns in a non-hostile, ringless room

    -New ring! Go find it!

    -Mana potions. Recharge them rings

    -Tunnel spiders. Try not to get poisoned...

    -You can now equip up to 2 rings, use Q and E to switch between them

    -Statues and fountains, yay ... index.html

  • And here we are with the loot! Barrels and crates are finally smashable, releasing sweet goodies, and more importantly the first spell has made it into this update too. Seek and ye shall find a magic ring of fire somewhere on this level, and then go smash some face with it.

    It's been a really productive few days, and I'm really pleased with how the game's coming together - I basically started this project to see whether I could make a roguelike dungeon generator in Construct, and that's since somehow grown into all of this. Devblog coming soon! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> ... index.html

  • I'm not generally a big mobile gamer either, but I have spent a *lot* of time on Pixel Dungeon. It's an incredibly well-designed little game.

  • That's cool, I just set it to create, pin and then destroy after 0.4 seconds, same effect. Thanks!

  • This looks amazing, keep it up dude

  • Just wondering, I have several particle effects set to 'continuous spray' and pinned to my sprite, so I can turn them on and off by toggling their visibility. Does they still use up the same memory when invisible? It's not a performance issue at the moment but I wanted to know if I'll take a hit by adding more and more of these.

  • Windwalker Thanks! That means a lot, big fan of the atmosphere of Heretic and Hexen (especially that music ). I've already set up a tumblr for the devblog, I'm thinking of starting it once I've got the nuts and bolts sorted and I can really start getting down to the meaty meaty game bits.

  • Not that I know of, all that's quite complicated to do, though definitely possible.

  • What do you mean? Like a random dungeon generator?

  • Quite a big update, this! First of all, I've got rid of the melee attack completely, so now you just mine by pushing up against the walls, and instead of swinging your pickaxe you have a ranged attack. I've also switched the controls so WASD is now move, arrow keys shoot - I've gone back to playing The Binding of Isaac lately which was a big inspiration for this game, and I noticed that's how it's laid out in that and it does feel more natural.

    So now you can throw rocks about the place - you won't be doing that forever though as it's just your default attack. As you can tell from the new UI icons, you'll soon be able to equip a variety of magic rings to shoot spells, buff you up and other things. Loot's the next big thing on the agenda for me, and I'm possibly going to tackle the inventory system after that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

    Anyhoo, I'm pretty happy with how it's all going at the moment! This update's definitely taken it a big step closer to feeling like the game I want to make.

    Did I mention the floating skulls of doom? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" title="Twisted Evil"> ... index.html