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  • Maybe you're not crazy after all <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    It actually seems that there's a one pixel vertical shift. Easiest to see if one tiled background block is flipped 180-degrees and set against the other.


    Also - it's not present in all cases - the sample I have provided is more or less worst case scenario, because of the brown colour and the 32x32 tile size that seems to cause the worst problems.

    I really thing this is a bug and not just my imagination :)

    Btw. my game is almost made entirely of 32x32 tiles so it is a huge problem it that case.

  • To me it seems that you just have poorly cropped images. I can see some thin black lines on your tiles when zoomed closer in image editor.

    Here's a test I made:


    Do you get any lines with my test?

    I can make a sample like yours too - but that doesn't help me with my problem. First of all, the problem is worse with scrolling, and scaling. Both with or without letterbox.

    My capx has no cropping in it. All tiles are the right size and has no errors or faults. The dirt tiles are all 32x32 and they are pixel perfect.

    Try my capx in internet explorer too if you like, it much worse there, but it is also terrible in chrome - although better than IE.

  • CAPX

    I have discussed this problem before, but now I just made a new and very fast capx sample - you should notice the problem on any game you make with tiled backgrounds.

    I know you just say it's a graphics driver problem - but it's not. It's present on any computer and other commercial games deffinately don't have this issue! I have tried this on various AMD and Nvidia gfx and on both AMD and Intel PC. Unfortunately the same problem is present.

    Try the capx and notice the ugly lines around the top dirt tiles and in the clouds.

    On this sample - pixel rounding is even on - but it doesn't make any difference besides making the movement less smooth.

    Also notice that a tiles made like a sprites (like the dirt corners) doesn't have the problem when pushed against a tiled background tile. The it looks as you would expect it look.

    Actually this problem is worse now than it was before around R100 or maybe R102. I had the problem when using R95, but then it disapeared in some of the later version and then got back around R100-R102.

    I have used so much time trying to eliminate the issue - but nobody seems to notice it.

  • Btw. I have checked all changelogs - and unfortunately I can't find anything that should cause these issues.

  • It would not make any sense to show any capx to this problem - because it isn't a problem related to anything in the events.

    But going from R104 to R105 some of my sprites stopped playing their animations and just freezes - still moving and working fine otherwise - but with no animation. About 25% of the sprites is effected.

    Then I got back to R104 and they all worked fine again - like in any previous build back to R95.

    In R106 the problem is only present with about 1/10 th of my sprites with animations. The problem here is that some of the non-looping animations is looping. No setting in the animations or in the events is causing this. I can make the events and animation from scratch again - and the problem isn't present anymore. So it's deffinately not an event or animation settings issue.

    The other problem is that about another 1 out of 10 of the sprites are twitching and jumping up and down with less than a pixel, making them blurry and shaky.

    Again - no animation setting or event is causing this problem.

    Installing R104 again - and there is no problem with any animations through out the whole game.

    The project is made with R95 and I have upgraded with any BETA along the way and fixed issues along the way with no big issues until now.

    What change from R104 to R105 can cause this - and why does the problem change again from R105 to R106?

    There must be something that has changed between the builds that can cause these strange issues with animations.

    Best regards :)

  • Even 2/3 of Chrome would be awesome in 1080p fullscreen ;)

    This is good news. Looking forward to it, VSync issues or not. That's just minor compared to missing GPU acc.

  • Yes, it seems like Ashley Check this out at the moment - hopefully Ashley can find the Devil in the Code....


    That would make my life so much easier - Unfortunately my current game is depending on Awesomium - and Awesomium seems to be the weakest link of the C2 chain at the moment :)

  • Hope dies at last...what is with the Zip-File that Awesomium have made for Ashley? Is it a Error within Ashley's Code?


    According to Awesomium it is - but I would very much like to hear Ashleys take on this.

    And I would also like RC3 included in the next release - so we have a change to try it out on our games. I would like to have something to report back to Awesomium too.

  • Sorry, bad news - this release still seems to have serious performance problems. I've notified them about it here. Hopefully they can still fix it for the next release though.

    Could you please include RC3 for the next release - I would like to run some test and report my own observations to the Awesomium team too.

    Thanks for the huge and very fast effort you always make Ashley. If the Awesomium team worked like you - well - then we had no problems to report.

  • Sorry, bad news - this release still seems to have serious performance problems. I've notified them about it here. Hopefully they can still fix it for the next release though.

    Will you include this release in the next build, so we can make some test with it and use it to report to the Awesomium team too?

  • This is very bad news for me :(

  • I really hope this is fast and that the shader effects work this time. My fingers are crossed!

  • This is awesomium news!

  • Construct 2's image editor does not add a 1px space to tiled background images.

    This is an issue with how GPUs draw tiled textures, and is not specific to Construct 2, you'll have this problem regardless of what tool you use. Usually it's caused by sub-pixel positioning or non-power-of-two textures. At the moment only power-of-two size textures can be tiled perfectly and seamlessly (the image editor should warn you if using a non-power-of-two size). Also, enabling 'pixel rounding' in project properties will prevent sub-pixel positioning so seams never appear, but it could make scrolling a little less smooth.

    Pixel Rounding and power of 2 doesn't make any difference for me, unfortunately :/

    Same problem. But It doesn't show on my AMD gfx machine and my Nvidia machine with older drivers.

    So it could be a driver problem with Nvidias latest drivers.