LoicBlumgi's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Thanks a lot for doing it ASHLEY.

    To be honest I was intimated to do it myself, I've never done this before and I don't understand most of this stuff about WebGL and so on.

    So thank you for taking care of this as if it's not a Construct issue.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ok I understand better, Thanks Ashley for your time :)

    I will explain it on Poki discord too.

  • Yes I ve checked on all my 6 games,only the 2 most recent ones made with recent C3 versions have this error.

  • Hello,

    On Poki.com my recent games have this kind of error too, and other Construct devs have. It represents quite a lot players (3% or 4% depending of the game: 1500 players in 24H on Blumgi Slime).

    Some Construct devs making games for Poki found a way to solve it, reexport the game with r317, but new versions are not compatible anymore.

    Sorry if this message is not related to the topic or say the same things than you already answered, I am not technical (visula script lover) and don't understand most of all this ( WebGL and so on...)

  • Hello, thanks!

    igortyhon> I made a more detailed post on reddit here


    eltonnobrega > Yes I use chunks of JS for the Poki SDK but most of Construct devs use the addon made by Avix and Skymen. Maybe that's the one you found but I am not sure.

  • Hello,

    I am Loïc, 2 years ago I started my indie game dev adventure. I built my own company "Blumgi" and decided to focus on making games for Poki with Construct 3.

    In less than 2 years I've made 5 games solo and one collab with my friends André from Venturous and Salman from Gesinimo. Both Construct 3 developers.

    Cumulated my games have been played +100M time so far.

    To celebrate this nice milestone, I wrote a blog post to share my journey as game maker for the web.

    Construct is the perfect tool for web games. Feel free to ask if you have questions. Hope it can be helpful :)


  • What a nice feature ! I am so excited it opens so much new possibilities!

    Thanks a lot Scirra team :)

  • Thanks a lot for your help, I'll do that :)

  • Hello dop2000 thank you for your time.

  • Hello,

    I've just released a game for web desktop and web mobile.


    I use the same version for desktop and mobile using the detect device method learned in a tutorial here.

    I save the progression on local storage, it works well on desktop but on iOS devices (tested on iphone 12, iphone SE, iPad, iPAd pro) it works if I keep the tab open, I can relaunch the game and the save works but when the tab is closed, the progression is reseted.

    I didn't posted on bug report because I think it might be on the Apple side or in my code. ( I am not an advanced programmer)

    Have you observed something similar on your games ? Is there something special I should do for iOS ?

    Thanks for reading

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  • Thanks Ashley for your answer, I will follow your advice. And thanks Scirra team for this amazing tool. I have so much fun using it and it allows me achieve things I didn't know I was capable of.

    I've started using Construct as a game designer / Artist for fast prototyping my ideas and I discovered I love programing stuff and I can go farther.

    I've just finished my first full game and the learning process was super fluent with the documentation and examples/templates.

    I've started the next step following the JS tutorials you are writing. It's super clear and simple.

    So thank you :)

  • Hello :)

    I am working on few games targeting the web platform. I am looking for a small download size and good performances on old devices.

    I make my graphics in vectorial in "Animate" and then export them as PNG before using them in Construct. I discovered we can use SVG pictures in construct and because I zoom in and out a lot in my games , maybe I can have a better quality on my graphic assets with a big zoom factor.

    My games look like this, and I modify a lot layout scale during gameplay :

    For the car one actually I create Level design with small shapes PNG and tiled BG, sometimes using mesh editor:

    I am really happy with the download size and performances but I can't scale too much due to PNG quality. For the basket one I think I ll try SVG pictures but I wanted some advice before starting it.

    My question is, can I keep good performances and small download size using a lot SVG pictures in my game ? Is there good practices for using it ? something to avoid ?

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  • 12 posts