Failed to acquire a rendered - WebGL or WebGPU

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  • We are getting the same error from our poki games. And nearly %10 of our players are effected. It may not be related to a chrome error because some opera users are effected from this bug too.

  • Chrome, Opera and Edge all use the same browser engine (Chromium). Again, this is categorically a problem with ANGLE, the Chromium browser engine or graphics drivers, and the only way progress will be made is if it is reported to Google.

  • FWIW some people are still reporting this issue, but at the moment it's infeasible for us to fix it as it appears to depend on specific and currently unknown hardware/driver combinations.

    Since as far as I'm aware nobody has yet reported the issue to Google as I advised, I created a report myself with what little we already know about the problem here:

    Predictably the response was asking for details about affected devices.

    If anyone can provide the information Google are asking for in that issue report, it may be possible for this to be fixed relatively quickly. If nobody does this though, this will only be fixed in several years after all the affected devices fall out of use.

  • Thanks a lot for doing it ASHLEY.

    To be honest I was intimated to do it myself, I've never done this before and I don't understand most of this stuff about WebGL and so on.

    So thank you for taking care of this as if it's not a Construct issue.

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  • To be clear, the problem is not resolved, and in its current state it will not be resolved. The problem is blocked on waiting for someone with an affected device to share information about the system. It is not possible for us or for Google to identify this information, as nobody can reproduce the problem, and only customers with certain system setups are affected, but the type of affected system is currently unknown.

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