Failed to acquire a rendered - WebGL or WebGPU

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  • I made a bunch of games, some of which have been more updated than others.

    The updated ones, on older laptops, do not work anymore even though they used to. has been exported with something like r350, and the following errors appears:

    I have an older game made under /r317-2 which works fine:

    Any ideas how I can get my newer games to work with older laptops? I found Ashley said that WebGL2 is optional and if not supported will fallback to WebGL1.

    This doesn't seem to be the case anymore though.

    Thank you

  • Is that error on your machine or someone else's?

    It looks like on that machine and browser it implements webgl with D3d, and fails when compiling a shader with the tex2Dgrad function. In vanilla Construct the only bundled shader that uses that is the TileRandomization feature for tilemaps which was added in B321. However there appears to be fallbacks in place when using webgl1 and the OES_standard_derivatives extension isn't available.

    Do you use any third party effects? If no, then I imagine a minimal c3p would be one with a tilemap in case that effect isn't automatically added otherwise.

    Best case it's just a slight mistake in checking if that extension is available with webgl1. But considering the error occurred at the D3D level and not the webgl level it may be a browser bug or outdated D3d version. I guess this is a fitting point to ask the browser and version, and what operating system.

  • Thank you for the reply.

    It is a bug on a machine that a friend uses to help me with testing and I wanted to update to r350 but he then noticed these problems on my updated games.

    I do not use a tilemap nor any 3rd party effects. I do TiledBackground but the r317-2 does not have any TileRandomization.

    I will ask for the browser version and OS, I think it's Chrome latest & Windows 10, but I'll ask to be sure.

  • Chrome up to date / windows 10 Home

    On his computer webgl2 is not working, but webgl (1) does

  • Here's something that you can have that user paste into the browser console. It checks to see if webgl2 and webgl is available and if two extensions are available.

    console.log(document.createElement("canvas").getContext("webgl2")?"webgl2 available":"webgl2 not available");
    gl = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("webgl");
    console.log(gl?"webgl available":"webgl not available")

    Mine gives this:

    webgl2 available
    webgl available

    But overall if webgl2 is available, or webgl and those two extensions are available, then it should work I imagine.

  • I think I've seen reports of this before - it looks like it affects a small number of older devices with some specific hardware/driver configuration.

    It looks like either a graphics driver bug or a bug in Chrome's WebGL implementation. The error refers to a D3D shader compilation error, which is probably happening inside ANGLE, Chrome's internal graphics library that converts WebGL to D3D. Like all other WebGL content Construct makes WebGL calls and uses GLSL shaders, so it does not directly use anything in D3D - that's all generated by ANGLE. And if anything Construct does was invalid, it would have failed earlier, with a WebGL or GLSL error message (and probably affect other systems too).

    I think the best thing to do would be to report this to Google at, showing that error message, and including details about the hardware of the affected device.

  • Hello,

    On my recent games have this kind of error too, and other Construct devs have. It represents quite a lot players (3% or 4% depending of the game: 1500 players in 24H on Blumgi Slime).

    Some Construct devs making games for Poki found a way to solve it, reexport the game with r317, but new versions are not compatible anymore.

    Sorry if this message is not related to the topic or say the same things than you already answered, I am not technical (visula script lover) and don't understand most of all this ( WebGL and so on...)

  • Hello,

    On my recent games have this kind of error too, and other Construct devs have. It represents quite a lot players (3% or 4% depending of the game: 1500 players in 24H on Blumgi Slime).

    Some Construct devs making games for Poki found a way to solve it, reexport the game with r317, but new versions are not compatible anymore.

    Sorry if this message is not related to the topic or say the same things than you already answered, I am not technical (visula script lover) and don't understand most of all this ( WebGL and so on...)

    Useful to know the %, thank you.

  • I think I've seen reports of this before - it looks like it affects a small number of older devices with some specific hardware/driver configuration.

    It looks like either a graphics driver bug or a bug in Chrome's WebGL implementation. The error refers to a D3D shader compilation error, which is probably happening inside ANGLE, Chrome's internal graphics library that converts WebGL to D3D. Like all other WebGL content Construct makes WebGL calls and uses GLSL shaders, so it does not directly use anything in D3D - that's all generated by ANGLE. And if anything Construct does was invalid, it would have failed earlier, with a WebGL or GLSL error message (and probably affect other systems too).

    I think the best thing to do would be to report this to Google at, showing that error message, and including details about the hardware of the affected device.

    Yes but then as LoicBlumgi said, more users are encountering this, so their computer can have issues, but only with newer versions of C3.

    Which leads me to think that something happened above r317 in C3 that caused maybe a bug to resurface in Chromium.

  • Yes I ve checked on all my 6 games,only the 2 most recent ones made with recent C3 versions have this error.

  • It's a graphics driver or ANGLE bug that only affects newer Construct versions. That doesn't mean it's our fault or that we can do anything about it - as I said the best thing to do is to report it to Google via who would be best placed to investigate and either fix or work around the problem.

    For what it's worth, we have stats on WebGL support for people using the Construct editor, and that shows 98.5% get WebGL or WebGPU support in some form. So only ~1.5% of people don't get any WebGL support, which I think is about what it's always been long-term, even before r317 came out. There have always been reasons a small number of people don't get WebGL support, such as broken drivers or unsupported hardware. This case looks like an error Google could potentially fix though, providing someone with an affected device reports the issue to them.

  • Ok I understand better, Thanks Ashley for your time :)

    I will explain it on Poki discord too.

  • For what it's worth, we have stats on WebGL support for people using the Construct editor, and that shows 98.5% get WebGL or WebGPU support in some form. So only ~1.5% of people don't get any WebGL support

    Well by people you mean developers, but it's obvious that devs usually have modern devices, whereas kids at school or that run second hand laptops due to budget, a lot of users in India, Africa, and Russia, are running into this problem.

    Something happened after r317 that doesn't allow me to update the games. Something happened that Scirra added or changed.

    I find it unfair to pay for a subscription for the game engine to keep evolving, where I can't use anything above r317, might be just me, no clue how Poki and Poki devs feel about this.

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  • Have you filed an issue with Google? That is the only way this will get solved. It is categorically a problem with ANGLE or the graphics driver. There's nothing much we can do about the underlying issue, and so if you keep posting here expecting me to do something, it won't get fixed.

  • Ok I understand better, Thanks Ashley for your time :)

    I will explain it on Poki discord too.

    Loic, have you or Poki managed to make a report about this? If so can you please drop the link here so I can comment/follow it? Ty

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