LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • If you used the search option in the Manual you would have found this entry in the browser object:

    is portrait/landscape

    Determine if the current display is portrait (height is greater than width) or landscape (width is greater than height). This is performed by making a simple check on the window size of the browser, so also returns accordingly on a desktop browser depending on its dimensions.

  • From the manual:

    Compare orientation

    Compare the device's current orientation, if the device has a supported inclinometer. Alpha is the compass direction in degrees. Beta is the device front-to-back tilt in degrees (i.e. tilting forwards away from you if holding in front of you). A positive value indicates front tilt and a negative value indicates back tilt. Gamma is the device left-to-right tilt in degrees (i.e. twisting if holding in front of you). A positive value indicates right tilt and a negative value indicates left tilt.

  • Couldn't you get the orientation from the Alpha, Beta and Gamma values?

    And adjust your events accordingly?

  • Do you mean Kik?

  • Pode : Thanks for the info, I will test and see.

    I've got quite a bit of info to transfer, so I'll probably need to figure out a way to send only the part that actually changes and fill in the parts that stay the same (or are deductable info) after transfer.

    A new challenge lies ahead.

  • Pode,

    How long can the string be?

    I would really like to be able to use this to transfer data between two devices (and programs), the first one being a user interface creating an array, the second one using the data from that array.

  • You could use the z order action for this.

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  • You can't create an object directly in another layout.

    What you can do is create conditions in layout A which are checked in layout B and in the eventsheet for layout B create the object if those conditions are met.


    in layout B you have this event:

    System compare global variable VisitedA = 1

    System trigger once

    • Create object

    And in layout A you have this event:

    On start of layout

    • set global variable VisitedA: 1
  • I didn't know I was lecturing you, I was just stating the obvious. When you work with a different program, the program will be different.

    Instead of complaining about C2 you could have just asked your question.

    short approximate answer to your question:

    put the object in a family.

    for each object

    system compare two values: distance(object.x, object.y, family.x, family.y) < 128

    and add your move action.

    I hope trying to help you will not result in another useless rant in which you accuse me of things that aren't true.

  • You shouldn't make the whole block an or block, create a subevent and put the angle checks in it and set that block to or.

    The first condition should still always be true, so only the second and third (about the angle) should be or

  • It's impossible for a number to be less than 90 and more than 270 at the same time. That's where the issue lies.

    make the event an or statement and it will work.

  • To invert a condition right click and select invert.

  • Can you give me a capx that I can work on, so I can see what you've done and improve on it?

  • no, for a line to be horizontal it has to be horizontal.

    If at one side y=1.25 and on the other end y=1.35 it is not a horizontal line.

    I've fixed your polygons, so your things don't move. Next time just make horizontal lines by inserting the coordinates into the image editor.

    updated collision polygons