LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • There was another message which has now been deleted. That message was spam. Nothing to do with your question and/or my answer to it.

  • At the moment this is only possible with the third party plugin nickname.

    You could also add a variable check on destroyed and based on the variable spawn an object, but if you want to directly spawn by name, the nickname plugin it is.

  • Yes, it's possible, as long as there has been an instance on the layout.

    Just use system create object.

  • An instance of the object has to be present on the layout on start.

    you could use:

    on start of layout - system destroy object

    After that you will be able to spawn and create it.

  • Wouldn't it just be possible to invert the directions in the capx?

  • Ofcourse I could take a look at your capx, but before I'd love to know the answers to a few questions, so I can assist you better.

    What is it that you want to do?

    What have you tried to make that work?

    What did you expect to happen in the game?

    What does happen in the game?

    Adding features isn't really specific and adding objects and bullets and effects like you said in your first post are mostly explained in the great beginners tutorials in the tutorial section.

  • Could you explain what it is that isn't working?

  • Or Operator html example

    (use left and right arrow keys to change the number)

    Or operator capx

  • Could you use the or operator for this?

    So in your case this would become:

    System compare two values: Variable="This" | Variable="That" = 1

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  • It should work, because that's what I did in my updated capx.

    But maybe it would be a better idea for you to set the collision to bounding box. You can find this setting on the left in the physics settings.

    If this doesnt work as expected, maybe you should cut of the transparent pixels at the edges of your sprites.

  • The capx in the thread I linked to should work if you adjust the events to your need, something like this:

    Put all the solids in a family

    Make a global variable Startspawn

    System compare variable: Startspawn = 0

    -System While

    trash is overlapping family - trash set position

    -- system set Startspawn : 1

  • Text objects have their origin set to top left by default, but you can set the hotspot to center in it's properties. That way you'd just have to set the sprite at text.x, text.y

    But without changing the origin you should be able to set the object to x: text.x+(text.width/2) y: text.y+(text.height/2) this will put the sprite in the middle of the textobject. if you center the text it will also be in the center of the text.

  • Instead of moving the colission points with the mouse enter their coordinates at the top of the image editor. Do this in the first frame of the animation, than right-click and choose use for whole animation.

  • somonflex

    Knifegrinder just gave just about the same explanation I was suggesting, so there was no need to Dude! me. Dude, might not have been meant insulting, it's a clear form of disrespect (at least in the way you typed it) I'm sure my response was a bit over the top, but that was more aimed at the last 10 people I helped without getting thanks, than to you personally.

    I was under the impression you could have figured out yourself that using the alpha beta and gamma values combined with browser orientation would work and in fact your second question was just about browser orientation, but obviously you were asking for something you already new the answer to.

    Like before, I hope you figure it out..

  • First of all, I don't like being called dude.

    Second of all, if someone is trying to help you, it would be a good idea to at least pretend to be thankfull.

    I hope you find out what the answer to your question is from someone, who doesn't mind rudeness..