LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Please upload capx instead of caproj..

    Choose save as single file..

  • I'm very sorry I explained the most difficult part of creating a game like digging jim..

    If you'd like a more simple game search and find...

  • Using the wait action could be a way..

    On start clicked

    • spawn otherstart at start.x,start.y
    • system wait 1 second
    • system goto layout

    Easier would be to make the starts animationframes of the same sprite

    set animationspeed to 0 and just set the frame on clicked..

  • Haha I know that game as Boulderdash..

    Here's an example R0J0hound made of the falling boulders: ... rdash.capx

  • You could just paint the $ black in your image editor and use

    replace(src, find, rep)

    Find all occurrences of find in src and replace them with rep.

    That way your texts would look normal..

  • You choose the frame you want displayed via actions after you have set animation speed to 0.

    If you want it to be random you will need to put an instance variable in the object called something like splatter then On created event have it do a choose(0,1) action and set the zombies splatter variable at creation to 0 or 1. Now in the zombie die event add two sub-events with conditions of splatter = 0 then action set frame 0 and condition event splatter = 1 set frame 1 actions.

    That's a lot of events instead of

    Splatter on created

    • splatter set frame to : choose(0,1)
  • You could use an else statement


    Mouse on key clicked - system set key_active : 1 - key_active

    (if key_active is 1 -- 1 - 1 = 0

    if key_active is 0 -- 1 - 0 = 1)

  • Pretty obvious why it wouldn't work with different paralax, right?

    Just putting the camera sprite on the same layer as the player, would work..

  • You could create two families.. the one you want to check and the one you want to check against..

    objects can be part of more than one family..

    The X,Y you want to check should be relative to another object, right?

    Or would you like to check each X,Y in your layout every tick? (that sounds cpu-intensive)

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  • Would is overlapping at offset work?

    inversed offcourse..

  • I guess what you are looking for is persist behaviour:

  • you set checklevelpaint to 1 after the tiles are created

    spawnarray is global, so it keeps the instance variable at 1

    so when the layout is revisited the tiles are not created again.

  • Complete list of variables:

    Global variables: can be either strings (text) or number (available in all layouts)

    Local variables: can be either strings (text) or number (available in a certain part of an event sheet)

    Instance variables: Can be either strings (text), number or boolean (true,false) (available for objects)

    You can decide the name of the variables yourself and choose which type of variable you'd like it to be..

  • If you are using multi-touch you should specify which touch instance is touching which object and on touch end check both object and touch instance to make sure the right event is triggered..

    Although if the other touch instances should overwrite the on touch end, this shouldn't be a problem..

    If the subevent (or second condition) of on any touch end is an is touching object - the object is specified..