LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Why not just use a vector graphic exported as png?

  • Could you share your capx, so we can take a look and maybe remove the clunky-ness?

  • > Is there really a reason to re-invent the wheel?

    > The right combination of the anchor behaviour with paralax 0,0 works with any fullscreen setting..


    > ... nchor.capx


    LittleStain Thanks for the example, here's a new one with a mockup HUD for this exercise, ... .capx?dl=0 - if you press S to change the scaling, you'll notice it's not wide enough. I doubt I could use anchors to keep everything correctly sized on that change of scaling for this type of HUD?

    I doubt you could too..

    I don't doubt it could be done, though..

  • Is there really a reason to re-invent the wheel?

    The right combination of the anchor behaviour with paralax 0,0 works with any fullscreen setting.. ... nchor.capx

  • Without seeing your events and/or capx we could only guess..

  • > Setting the scale of the layer to such an enormously high number isn't what you are after..

    > If you set the width of the bar to viewportright()-viewportleft(), however..


    Yes, that would work, but I need not just that bar but the other items on the layer resized too, all of the score and life and health numbers. 1.3 isn't enormously high for a layer scale, it's only a third(ish) bigger. Can I scale a whole group of items so they're exactly the same relative size? If not, that's why I wanted to use a dynamic layer scale figure depending on the resolution of the players screen.

    Why would you use layer scale?

    Everything does get scaled automatically..

    You didn't want to scale the bar, you wanted to stretch it, that's the difference..

  • I simply put 'overlapping at offset with snakehead' OR 'overlapping at offset with snakebody' OR etc. (same condition with the other sprites which I don't want to be overlapped with)

    Why would you use a "while" for this?

    What are the actions attached to the while?

    Will those actions do something to stop the "is overlapping at offset"-condition?

    If not you have an endless loop..

  • Setting the scale of the layer to such an enormously high number isn't what you are after..

    If you set the width of the bar to viewportright()-viewportleft(), however..

  • Just set angle towards the mouse/touch on selected and set a max speed..

  • Set layer scale?

    That is an action, but you set the layerscale to viewportleft(0)-viewportright(0) , so you set the layerscale to 500 or more?

  • Pretty much what I got now it.

    If zombie has line of sight to player

    System Every 0.1 seconds find path to Player.X Player.Y

    Zombie on pathfinding Path found - Move along path

    Zombie on pathfinding Failed to find path - Find path to Player.X Player.Y

    How this is working currently is the zombies wont chase until I get a certain distance. But once I get that distance all zombies chase. and they do not stop chasing even If I get far enough away

    Pretty much or exactly?

    You have no else-events and the zombie is referenced in the event that sets the action?

    No system compares and such?

  • > try 0, or 1, or "HUD"


    HUD didn't work, 0 and 1 just made the HUD disappear?

    What is the event you used?

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  • Seems like you aren't picking..

    How are your events set up?

  • Shouldn't be that hard to create..

    Which part of this, do you have problems with?

  • try 0, or 1, or "HUD"