LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • You could set the width of the hud to viewportleft()-viewportright()?

  • Ok..

    So what do you expect to happen, because what is happening is what is supposed to happen..

    The screen is scaled up in a way that the whole original project-size is on screen..

    There will be more than just that on the screen, because the aspect ratio of the window, makes the window's content surface bigger than the project..

  • I don't think many people will be able to open that project and help you, because you are using so many third-party plugins like Magicam, Pause, Litetween, and Rotation Override..

  • How are you setting the frames?

    Are you using a variable?

    If not, would this work?

    On mouse-button released

    set speed to circle.animationframe*50

  • Yes I understand that an animation cannot finish if its not playing, but I thought that nesting conditions make them run only when an IF statement in the above condtition to that of the nested is true, in this case - play idle02 is higher than on idle02 finished. This would be much more intuitive:

    Every random (a,b) set animation to idle02

    -------------->On animation idle02 finished.... <-------------- run this only when the IF on top is met, in this case when animation is set to idle02....

    Now does that not makes sense?Well to me it does as this is a condition and a sub condition which should be ran only after the condition above is met... Since I am a character animator and an illustrator and not a programer (hence using visual programing) this makes much more sense to me...

    Anyhow Im not too keen on running the timer as I dont want to use built in behaviours. Ill try to look around and try and solve this.

    Thanks for your time and help.

    Yes, what you say makes sense, that's why the subevent you created doesn't..

    If the event above is true, there is no animation playing..

    When the actions attached to that event have run, the animation is playing, but at that time the event/conditions aren't true anymore..

    So the subevent will only run if the above event is true..

    A sprite can't be playing an animation and not be playing an animation at the same time..

    You reference a sprite in the top-event that isn't playing an animation, so the sprite in the subevent must be not playing an animation as well..

    This is how events work, that's why I added that link, for it is explained very clearly there..

    I'm not sure why you would choose not to use built in behaviours, but if you don't want to, you could make a timer yourself by using the:


    The number of seconds since the game started, not taking in to account the time scale (i.e. the real-world time).

    just set a variable to the wallclocktime and when the wallclocktime is higher that a certain amount, bladibla..

    (But you would need another variable, ofcourse..)

  • I am sure missing something if I cant get this to work thats for sure.

    The on animation idle02 is finished is nested inside the set animation to idle02 condition, so it should be only active when the set animation to idle02 is met? Do the conditions not go one after the other in the way they are nested? In the subcondition there is : play idle02, and then there is another subcondition once that play idle02 condition is met. I thought this is the way these conditions work?

    I guess you understand an animation can not finish if it is not playing..

    You have an event checking if an animation is not playing, subevents of that condition will only run if the animation is not playing..

    There's an explanation in the manual:

    How events work

    As I tried to explain before, the wait action makes the actions wait and they will run once the wait is over..

    So ofcourse they will run if the wait is longer than the time before returning to the idle..

    Using a timer behaviour would be much better in this case..

  • I'm afraid that without seeing your capx and/or events this question can not be answered..

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  • Sounds great..

    If you could share your capx, it would be a lot easier..

    Without seeing the actual events, advise will be pretty abstract..

    You could for example set a variable to the uid of the character and reference that uid in the functions and/or events of the command menu..

  • Event 17 can never be true, because how can an animation that isn't playing finish?

    Also event 15 is still triggered every tick keyboardinput = 5, so animation is set to idle every tick..

    You seem to be missing some basic knowledge on how events and conditions work..

    animation idle2 is not playing should be a condition of event 15, not a subevent..

  • So what is the exact event/conditions?

    In what way do you want to reference the correct instance?

    You press e beside a character..

    I'm not exactly sure what this means, but how should the computer know beside which character you are, so how would it know which character you mean?

  • Using timer behaviour would make it easier..

    A waited event will still run if inbetween things have changed..

  • something simple like:

    player is overlapping

    player set y : self.y-5

    would work..

  • Well ofcourse this doesn't work..

    every tick keyboardinput is 5, the animation is set to idle..

    if you add the condition

    sprite is not playing animation "idle02"

    it swiches animations

    adding the event

    on animation "idle02" finished

    set animation to idle

    will make the switch complete

  • LittleStain - Local variables are indeed shown only when they are within their scope but what I am trying to tell you that all the other global variables are shown there too, besides the local variables. That does not help as the list is getting longer. This has nothing to do with how I set up my variables I dont think, only how C2 displays the lists of variables - both global and local are in the same bag when looking for local (not when looking for global), unless indeed there is something wrong with my workflow, thus I am trying to find out.

    Edit: To illustrate:

    What happens:

    Looking for local variables - list:

    Global variables x 1000

    Local varibales x 10

    Looking for global variables - list:

    Global variables x 1000

    What I would like:

    Looking for local variables - list:

    Local varibales x 10 -----> only - no global variables available to choose --> makes list waaaay shorter

    Looking for global variables - list:

    Global variables x 1000

    I'm sorry..

    1000 global variables?

    I know this is meant as an exaggeration, but even 100 would sound ridiculous..

  • How have you got your grid set up?

    Are you using a tilemap or something else?