LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • No need for spritesheets, you can import each frame from it's own file if that's what you'd like..

    right click the animation-editor, choose add frame and load from disk in the image editor..

  • I'm not sure what is hard about this..

    If there is some logic behind the spawning event (amount of spawned objects, type of objects, etcetera) you might be able to use variables and functions to cut down on the amount of events, but basically the above event does exactly what you asked..

  • Something like this would work:

    system compare two values : audio.playbacktime("Music") = 2

    system create sprite

    this would create a sprite 2 seconds into the playing of the audio with the tag "Music"

    You might want to add more conditions and or call a function to create the sprites, but these are the basics..

  • From the Manual (isn't it great there is a link to it at the top of this page?):

    Audio expressions:


    Get the current playback time in seconds of a sound with a tag. This starts at 0 and counts up to the duration, except for looping sounds which keep counting up past the duration.

  • Hmm I'm not really sure what you are talking about since I'm new, but I'll try to figure out the what is the restart/unpause/refocus functions. But in the event where the player closes the application, can the program still be calculating?

    If an application is closed it is not running and as such won't perform any calculations..

    You could however find out how much time has passed between closing and reopening and do the nescessary calculations (and changes resulting from the time passed) at that time, making it seem like the program has been running all that time..

  • Example using horizontal and vertical blur (webgl) on the shadow layer: ... tblur.capx

  • Well, LittleStain, I agree regarding the example I used above (probably not the best choice, as these are static), but there are other cases in which the light intensity needs to vary. I suppose I could use a set of static frames and move between the frames as intensity increases/diminishes, but I wanted to see if using the "dynamic" light/shadow objects was possible. Otherwise, I will probable revert to such a solution.

    I'm not sure if you could get the effect you want by adding a webgl-effect on the shadowlight-layer, but if not, my advice would be to use some kind of object/sprite to fake the whole thing..

    But my knowledge of this area might be too limited to see another "easy" option..

  • I guess you could put all sprites on a seperate layout, Lets call it TheCloset (without an event sheet) and only create the ones through events when needed..

    That should prevent them all being loaded into memory, if I remember correctly..

  • I'm not sure why one would use the shadow-light object for this seeing these lights are static..

    Wouldn't using a sprite (with blendmodes) be far more suitable?

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  • If there is no interaction between the player and the program, wouldn't everything that is happening be easily calculated?

    These calculations could be executed on restart/unpause/refocus, so there would be no need for the program to run in the background (Which is by the way an option not available as often discussed on this forum)

  • To be precise, R0J0hound, the uncontrolled character follows a trail of fixed pre-established points by command Move with angle and distance calculations basically based on the distance between both. So I used the equation floor(angle(Self.X,Self.Y,object.X,object.Y)).

    I'm using the 0-7 calculation, but after some tests, I came to the conclusion that the problem is the lack of connection between the movement and the angle of the object that don't use any behavior.

    Are you specifying which object you mean in the expression "floor(angle(Self.X,Self.Y,object.X,object.Y))"

    I'm guessing there are more than one..

  • I guess you mean in the editor you are selecting the tile-map object (selected objects get blue) while you really want to select something behind it..

    Either place the tilemap on a different layer and click the lock when you don't want to be able to select it or right click z-order send to bottom so the tilemap is behind the other objects..

  • Ok, but what if I need to create A LOT of sprites not just one. I want it to come up at specific points in the song always. Is there any way to speed the process up of when the sprites appear using some code, or would I have to do it manually? Would I have to use the timer behavior?

    Would it be possible to use frames of one sprite for this sprite?

    Or would you like to create many sprites at the same time?

    If you want something different to happen at different moments, you'll probably have to write separate events..

    If The events are (almost) the same, you might be able to use a function with parameters to get the result you want..

    Timer behaviour could help, but I guess comparing audio.playbacktime would be perfect..

  • on layout start > load "higscoreVariable" from "mySaveSlot"


    on player destroyed > save "higscoreVariable" to "mySaveSlot"

    Isn't this exactly what the localstorage-plugin does?

    Well before loading you'd have to check if "mySaveSlot" exists, you can't tell the computer to open a drawer when there is no drawer to open..

    If the drawer doesn't exist you let the computer make one, so next time you ask him to open the drawer there will be a drawer to open..

    'Then you tell the computer what to do with the stuff he finds in the drawer and when to put something else in the drawer..

    Sounds pretty straightforward to me..