Very large issue (for me at least):
While manipulating bones through the Q3Dbone-object (picked by name) , somehow the wrong bone is selected..
I'm not sure if this had to do with too many bones in my object or wrong hierachy or something else, but a bone is manipulated, which is nowhere near the bone I was aiming for and which has a completely different name..
I'm sure I'm pushing the boundaries of this plugin, but I'm very close to achieving what I want if I could only get this single bone manipulating to work as expected..
Edit: Maybe there are other limitations, like name-length, etcetera?
All bones are accounted for and they all work!
Somehow the export from Blender messes up the names (probably because the bones are parented, but not connected)
Had to change the bone-names manually in the json after figuring out which was which, but it seems to work..
Edit: The Bone-rotation is also not set correctly, but that is not that much of an issue..