lionz's Forum Posts

  • I hate to respond with the same thing again I'll just copy and paste it : You are not meant to use your own ads before it's published, even says it on the link you shared. You can however set up your device as a test device on admob, this allows you to test your own ads in a safe way.

  • Just from the screenshot I see you have both sounds under an every tick event, probably you want them under a trigger once event or they will play constantly.

  • The objects have instance variables, you can use global variables for more general things like player hp or score.

  • "However, the arrows in my project are appearing a split-second before the jump is able to be repeated." Looks fine to me, they appear as expected.

    The arrows can always be clicked, making them invisible does not make them inactive as you say. The problem you are seeing is that you've used a tap gesture which isn't always simulated well with a mouse click so sometimes it doesn't work.

  • You'll need to use a variable and add it as an extra condition to differentiate what has been picked before. For example if one is picked you set the variable to 1. Then the main condition is to pick a random instance where variable is 0.

  • Well you're almost there because you created the platformID variable but never used it and I see you attempted a system condition so that's also in the right place. Where you have the disabled system condition you need to add 'wheel object pick by UID > platform.platformID'. This picks the associated wheel with the platform you just landed on as linked by the variable.

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  • There is slightly less pink in dark mode lol

  • > You are not meant to use your own ads before it's published, even says it on the link you shared. You can however set up your device as a test device on admob, this allows you to test your own ads in a safe way.

    For me the test ads don't even work unless I'm using Google's ad unit ID. Is that supposed to happen? I already have the "Test Mode" setting checked.

    Not really sure what you're saying here...

  • Like this you can see how it picks out the one you are dropping.

  • This is where you use Families. Add all the objects into one Family and say mouse over Family, set variable to Family.objectypename.

  • You are not meant to use your own ads before it's published, even says it on the link you shared. You can however set up your device as a test device on admob, this allows you to test your own ads in a safe way.

  • Yes you need to press the padlock on the layers bar to lock the layer then it can't be selected, this is a common feature like with art software.

  • Yes if you put it on a different layer you can 'lock' the layer so it won't be selected

  • Now that you split out the directions you add an extra condition, so for press right key you add the condition 'can move in direction' right and 10 pixel. So it will only reduce the steps if you can move and a wall is not blocking you.

  • When you use on drop condition it narrows the picked instances to 1. So when you then say sprite overlapping sprite it is checking if its overlapping itself not the instances that you think are involved in the overlap. This is why your current logic isn't working.

    There are a few ways you can fix that, some people use a Family, so when you say Sprite on dropped, is overlapping Family, you can easily pick between the one being dropped which is the Sprite and the one overlapping which is the Family (the Family just contains the same Sprite object).

    There is also a system condition you can use called 'Pick nth instance' you can use this to pick the 0 and 1 instance in the overlap, however you cannot use this immediately after the on drop condition for reasons mentioned above.

    Also you could identify the one being dropped in some way by setting a variable. If you open up the instances to be picked again then this could work. For example on drop - run a function that inside has sprite overlapping sprite condition, then with a sub event pick the sprite where the variable is set and then you can use actions on it.