Tilemap gets chosen instead of sprites

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  • 7 posts
From the Asset Store
Enchanted Forest & Cave 16x16 Tilemap with Environment Sprites
  • So I create tilemap for a platformer game and stretch it to entire screen. Then, later in game creation I cannot choose any separate sprites that I create and place on the screen - always the entire tilemap gets chosen.

    Any way to bypass this? Like turning off this tilemap, or freezing it temporarily, or something


  • I would put the tilemap in a seperate layer below the other sprites I think

  • Yes if you put it on a different layer you can 'lock' the layer so it won't be selected

  • Also another nice trick I just recently learned: Holding Tab and clicking will cycle through overlapping sprites. :)

  • Thanks for replies!!

    Yes I tried to put tilemap on another layer, but it doesn't help - it still gets chosen whenever I click on screen.

    (Also if I move tilemap to layer below, then all that's drawn on it disappears from creeen, at all. And still gets chosen whenever I click on screen).

    I am almost sure everyone have same issue because tilemap sort of covers screen by default if I am right. So it will appear every time you click everywhere on screen which I find pretty annoying.

    Should be a way to bypass it no...

  • Yes you need to press the padlock on the layers bar to lock the layer then it can't be selected, this is a common feature like with art software.

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  • Yes!!! The lock did it

    Thank you very much!!!

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