HeavyMetal's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • dop2000

    Thanks a lot!!!

    Tried both. Virtual Joystick looks great but was bit complicated for me, or maybe I just chose a hard sample. I am new to Construct and coding in general.

    Anyway the first (yours) example seems to be enough.

    Only one confirmation: how do I make Player move faster than my finger? Player is not very responsive now. For example to make Player cross from the screen's left border to right I have to move my finger kind of more than the screen width. And I would like it to be opposite, so Player moves more.

    Which parameter is responsible for that? Or do I have to set another one.

  • Good day everyone,

    I am trying to make a simple "space shooter" game, and look for a way to add standard touch controls, so that when I move my finger across the phone screen my plane ("Player" sprite) moves accordingly.

    I found a good example in Vertical space shooter template (from within Construct 3 - "browse examples")

    It works ok, only, the plane on the screen comes right under my finger every time, so it gets covered and I cannot see it and it's not very convenient. How to keep the plane stay on certain distance away, preferably so that it's slightly above my finger all the time (I guess most similar games now use this pattern)?


  • Yes!!! The lock did it

    Thank you very much!!!

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  • Thanks for replies!!

    Yes I tried to put tilemap on another layer, but it doesn't help - it still gets chosen whenever I click on screen.

    (Also if I move tilemap to layer below, then all that's drawn on it disappears from creeen, at all. And still gets chosen whenever I click on screen).

    I am almost sure everyone have same issue because tilemap sort of covers screen by default if I am right. So it will appear every time you click everywhere on screen which I find pretty annoying.

    Should be a way to bypass it no...

  • So I create tilemap for a platformer game and stretch it to entire screen. Then, later in game creation I cannot choose any separate sprites that I create and place on the screen - always the entire tilemap gets chosen.

    Any way to bypass this? Like turning off this tilemap, or freezing it temporarily, or something


  • 5 posts