lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Object.angle is the object's visual angle. Set it to 180, and it's upside down on the screen.

    Object.moveTo.movingAngle is the angle of direction in which the move to behavior is moving, this one is calculated automatically while it's moving. I.e. you tell an Object to move from x0,y0 to x0,y10 then the object would physically move straight down, move To.movingAngle would be 180.

    Imagine a clock, which moves to the right, having its hour dial stuck at 12 o clock. If I want the clock hour dial to always face up while the clock is moving, I would ignore the moving angle for my objects actual angle. Object angle would be 0 and my move To.movingAngle would be 90.

    Now imagine a bullet.

    Shooting it straight down, that would be 180 moveTo.movingAngle. Now, if my bullet would ignore the moving angle, my bullet would likely face right and move down.

    If I want it to look pretty, I would tell my bullet object.angle to take the angle of the moving direction to make it look esthetically correct.

    Bullet.angle = Bullet.moveTo.movingAngle

    There is an option in the moveTo behavior to set the angle for you.(tick box)

  • Try answers from this post:


    Adding these style attributes seems to work:

    > display: flex; 
    flex-direction: column-reverse;
    overflow-y: scroll;

    That's actually pretty good!

    I would have gone with flipping direction, prepend instead of append.

    Text.text = "New info" & newline & Text.text

    Would keep the new Text always at the top.

    But I will definitely try this css approach on my next logger ^_^


  • Funny was trying to upload a gif I made in 30 seconds, but the forum does not support uploading gifs xD


    30 seconds, just 42kb ... not all that bad ^_^

  • I grabbed alextro's example and added the images from your post black meow ninja ...

    And added some fire ... and a victim doghouse :o


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  • GIF hasn't been updated in 30+ years, so I don't think there will be a GIF revival. It's a terrible image format. And there are so many better options now. I don't understand why you are pushing so hard for it.

    I wasn't really pushing it tbh, merely asked a question with a bit of supported information.

    I could go on about user experience on apple devices, and how a huge amount of users experiences issues starting videos as images; having to touch the screen or images after load in order to start it (something to do with the audio tracks).

    Whereas a gif, just plays, everywhere, anywhere no extra input required.

    Not to mention compatibility, I haven't looked into to it, but I can pretty good guestimate; that gifs are more widely compatible on a wider range of devices, then most video formats, performance aside.

    But we'll let that in the middle :P

    So, the current use and application of gifs maybe low, it is still out there, terrabytes in size. And dead as it maybe for modern content developers, it is still very much alive among older generations.

  • But I think we might just add an export to GIF option anyway because I am sure every new customer is going to keep asking these same questions.

    As far as time saving practicalities go, this one's up there.

    And who knows ... perhaps this will cause the great GIF revival :O lol

  • I have a feeling I'll be explaining this a lot over the next couple of years...

    Isn't that a little presumptuous ?

    A giphy file:


    With fall back on error:


    I mean, for example in giphy, their fall back is the gif file, right?.

    I remember trying to grasp that magical transparency concept from gifs ... like ... a life time ago (mid 90s) and it's still here.

    And if internet has taught me anything about itself, nearly anything is never truly gone .... especially not a medium that has been used and applied in countless of projects, sites, applications ...

    if anything ... at some point ... someone will likely make a better gif '^_^ ... I could be yoking ... but I got myself doubting on this one :\</p>

  • Heh, perhaps the draw style looks off due to the text filling up the place ^_^

    Ohh, and I missed the bit where I could adjust the rotating, nice going!

  • You could store the sprite asjason in local storage.

    And to load, Set sprite from json retrieved from local storage.

    You can even save the full state of the game and load it again later.

  • set bullet angle of motion to: angle(player.x, player.y, mouse.x,mouse.y)

  • You could make an array, and group audio in there, loop through it, and do what you need with it.

    0,0 -> group, tag


    menu, hover

    menu, click

    menu, songintro

    game, click

    game, walk

    game, music

    To loop through game tags

    for 0 to array.width

    compare 2 values: array.at(loopindex,0) = "game"

    action: set volume for tag array.at(loopindex,1)

    Something along those lines

  • Yes it worked now

    You worked out quite some mechanics.

    Upgrades for astroids lolz

    The game upgrade mechanics and in game scraps for currency worked well, nice that it gets stored in local storage.

    The graphics in the menus looked rather poor though, as if they were placeholders.

    Texts looked rather cramped, heaps of text, rather thick font, perhaps use a bit smaller font, and a font that fits better with the graphics.

    One thing for the playing, I use a laptop, my first choice of controls are my arrow keys.

    When using the aswd keys, I didn't really like the turning of the ship, it was rather crude, in a sense of, I wasn't able to make small turns, making me miss a lot of targets.

  • You can convert your 3d models to sprites with:

    Fragmotion, a free tool, just needs some prayer once a week ^_^ lol


    Load model, then, under tools menu: create sprites.

  • Just have it stop on overlapping, and move up till its no longer overlapping.

  • The construct link gets me:

    "Ahhhh nuts!


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