lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Haven't played it but was watching the livestream on steam.

    That looked funny as hell, really, the noisy neighbor hahah

    Spent nearly an hour watching that dude go from door to door trying all sorts of things.

    That intro movie you posted was done really well too.

    Kudos, great work !

  • > If it works from chrome and not edge from the same connection, it's clearly not a connection problem, which means it has nothing to do with stun/turn to begin with.


    > Again, if it works in Chrome, it also doesn't have anything to do with where in the world you are located.

    Browser switching does not affect IP connections, so what is more likely to be the problem?

    Is there any chance that this can be resolved?

    I just tested on my laptop, from regular edge as host, to an inprivate edge as peer.

    Works perfect, did a bunch of connection attempts in a row, no dropped connections or unable to connect. So it is not a browser thing like your implying.

    Did a test afterwards, with regular edge to regular edge, the same. No problems.

    Microsoft Edge

    Versie 102.0.1245.41 (Officiële build) (64-bits)

    And when I went to check on the version, it started updating lol

    Perhaps you have a network configuration issue, or have a firewall that's working harder then it should. Or perhaps you're using a VPN. There is a whole range of things that could be the culprit really.

  • Are you using the example in edge as both host and peer ? if so, is edge's inprivate browsing able to distinct between 2 sockets ? hmm

    Are you able to connect from edge as peer, to a chrome host ?

  • > It'll be stuck here.

    Actually, that seems to be working and your program is not doing what it should.

    One side is connected as host, the other as peer, so there IS a connection ;)

    My bet is that you've edited the example or trying to run your own.

  • Copy those credentials andd add them before your signal server.

    source: metered.ca/tools/openrelay

  • My problem is not performance, my problem is to avoid overlapping sprites =/

    Perhaps look into Pushout Solid ?

  • Oh..I did not notice. But he also published another game similarly in the app. It has received over 1 million downloads.

    check here


    Oh very nice !

    Hmm, that other game does not have reviews ... perhaps a marketing thing and a combination of other factors, such as the name of the game, reviews etc

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Perhaps because it is listed as an app instead as being listed as a game :)

  • Hehe, the one with the goat actually has some sort of appeal and potential :D

    The gorilla one was annoying that it only worked with swipes; perhaps add a click option too, clicked above, move up, clicked below move down etc etc

  • Haha brilliant !!

    Decent approach there winstreak

    My motive using the method I did was because it was in the line of material and techniques mozip was already using.

    The only disadvantage I see with using an animation is size related.

    A single image vs the images used for animation. (10 weapons, 10 animations etc)

  • How about making a family called obstacles, add the wall in it. and on start of layout add the family as a custom obstacle to the pathfinding ?

  • dropbox.com/s/dcxtcj12ymoipnq/ZombieViking.c3p

    Added a simple movement with clock and counter clockwise rotation, and added states (raise, strike, attack) which can be used to allow or disallow all sorts of events.

    Pretty, well, not the best, effective, yeah.

    The degrees and for angle comparison are intentionally a bit wider, so you can play with amount of degrees to move (for differing weapons)

    Also, the attack state resets upon shifting mirror.

  • google.com/search

    works just fine for me :\

    "It would be nice if the link to the c3 manual from c2 manual pages would directly link to their respective pages instead of the c3 manual home page."

    This however would be nice if it indeed directly linked to the corresponding pages instead of the manual home page.

  • Haha, very fun concept, hadn't seen anything like that yet lol

    Must say the first level, needing to find the tokens, looked a little meh, took me a bit long. (perhaps due to slowness of the player)

    And when I found the machine, wasn't expecting the shrinkage, from the there it became a lot more fun.

    Very very nice !

  • Played the first 10 levels, was fun ^_^

    Didn't get to see any ads though ...