Ldk's Forum Posts

  • I know. Found the correct folders eventually. Had to create a new project and save it as a project. I have always saved all my stuff as a single file and havent seen any folder structures.

    Managed to recover 6 hours of work.

  • Hi.

    In which folder did you place your missing image? I am having the same issue.

  • ahh ok cool. thank you

  • Hi

    Is there a way to record the debug information. I have a few issues and its extremely hard to pick up. The error occurs so quickly its impossible to see what it states. It just switched over in less than a split second.

    I can see something was there but now its no longer showing that information.

    For example. My animation changes.

    The cycle follows this

    Run -> jump -> jumpkick -> fall

    But sometimes there is a variable between jumpkick and fall.

    I can see it but its too quick to read what animation it was calling.

  • liking the art style for your mother project.

  • Still a lot to be done but the game is coming along nicely.

    Elephant will run away after stomping people.Leopard will kill people

    Eagle will blow people away with the wind from his wings.


  • Thx. That did the trick. Much appreciated.

  • Hi.

    Trying something simple but i must be misunderstanding something.

    I have a global variable i want to be set to 1 when the player is pressing down on the direction keys.

    If they are not pressing the keys i want to variable to be set to 0.

    Global Variable ("movekeys")

    I tried the following.

    If key (A) or (D) is down set variable to 1

    I t hen inverted the If key (A) or (D) is down set variable to 0

    However the variable stays on 0.

    I then tried if key is pressed set variable to 1

    If key is released set variable to 0

    However the last option is not viable because if you switch between keys to quickly then the variable gets stuck on 0. As you pressed the key and released it and pressed it all in 0 seconds.

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  • Hi.

    You do not need seperate imagepoints for mirrored or non mirrored.

    It should work with just one imagepoint.

    This is what i did. Keep in mind it looks a bit more complex than it should be, as its part of a combo attack.

    Quick explanation of the steps.

    1: If attack is pressed set the instance variable of the character.

    2: If the variable is set, then only can it play the attack animation

    3: If the attack animation is playing, then set the helper to the imagepoint of your character

    4: If the animation is finished playing set the helper to position 0,0. (i also found if you destroy the helper its gone forever.) Then set animation to idle.

    The bug you speak of of the imagepoint i think is related to the way you set up your events as i experience similar issues.

    Try the above method using only 1 imagepoint. Only set the imagepoint while the animation is playing like i did.

    Also make sure your sprite is scaled weird as this can cause issues when mirroring it.

    Hope this helps


    Cool thank you for the feedback. Cleared up all my concerns.


  • 1) Create a new imagepoint on your sprite. Call it "punch"

    Create a new event that pins the "helper" or punch collision box to that imagepoint of your sprite.

    Detect collisions for punching the enemy from the helper you created and not from your player sprite.

    If Punch Helper collides with enemy - destroy enemy

    2) Use if key pressed. Not if key is down. If key K is pressed set animation to "player punching"

    Create another event If animation "player punching" finished set animation to "Player idle"

    3) Yes i had this issue as well. Create the helper object off the screen. Create an event that spawns a new helper and sets it position to the imagepoint as discussed earlier. On animation idle destroy helper

    4) Give enemies platform behavior. Disable the default platform movement. Create a new helper. E_Jump or whatever you wanna call it.

    Create an event if enemy collides with "E_Jump" helper then simulate platform pressing jump.

    Basically you will need to place that helper at every possible place you want them to jump. Near edges of platforms.

    I hope this helps. If not im planning on doing a tutorial soon on how i did all my platform movements and enemies.

  • Do you perhaps have another CAPX. im not too keen on using beta builds

  • Hi.

    I cannot open the CAPX as im still on an old version.

    Will download the newer version and have a look.

    In the meantime.

    The invisible box or "player helper" is the movement. The sprites on top of that are animations.

    You go this route because your hitbox or collision detection on different frames change a lot on animated objects. So it just simplifies things and makes collision detection simpler.

    TIP: do not use a square player helper. Cut the bottom corners. Prevents player getting stuck on small ridges.

    For enemies. Use Turret behavior and platform behavior. No rotate for turret. Set events to simulate platform pressing direction of player.

    Will make more sense later. Busy downloading newer version to have a look at your file

  • Did you solve your issue?

    I am also busy with a platformer. With fighting combos.

    The following works properly with animations cycling as they should.

    Attack + press nothing else = Attack then go to idle.

    Attack + Attack = Attack followed by kick animation.

    Attack + Attack + Attack = Attack followed by Kick followed by Slice Animation

    Jump + in air + kick = Flying kick

    Jump rapidly pressing attack = Low Flying kick

    All of these work well with enemies detecting collisions and dying when struck.

    I also made enemies get damaged if you kick an enemy into another enemy.

    Point is, if you did not fix your issue i will have a look, but sounds like you fixed it.

  • Hi.

    I am curious if it is possible not to load the entire game in one go?

    As i understand HTML5 loads every single object in one go. Meaning that if 50 objects are used on level one, another 50 on level 2 and another 50 on level 3 it just loads all 3 levels into memory with all 150 objects.

    But as we all know sometimes you dont want to clog the memory with 150 objects, but instead just load the 50 you will be using on that level.

    So the question is if it is possible at all to trick the system into only loading level per level as opposed to the entire game.

    Or am i misunderstanding how HTML5 loads objects?