Tween and MoveTo behaviors are only supported in C3 runtime. I'm guessing you have your project set at C2 runtime.
Using a lerp expression, like you're asking:
SpriteA: Set position to (lerp(SpriteA.X,SpriteB.X,0.05), lerp(SpriteA.Y,SpriteB.Y,0.05))
Or, you could also move an object by using either the Tween or MoveTo behaviors.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
What version of C3 are you using? A few days ago, someone else was having a similar problem until he updated to the latest version. Also, you might want to upload/share a project file that replicates the problem.
Yes. Open them in Audacity and make sure they get exported as 16-bit.
Take a look at the manual for more information about importing audio files. I usually import 16-bit wav files that are then automatically converted to webm, as mentioned in the manual.
For a good converter (and all-around excellent editor in general) I use Audacity, which is free.
Your example file plays fine in my phone's browser with no issues. It also plays fine when I created an apk and installed it. I have an LG G8X ThinQ w/ Android 9. Not sure why you're having problems.
This might be an obvious question...are you sure you have your volume turned up?
I import my audio as wav files, which then gets converted to webm for best compatibility across platforms.
Default jump only works if player is on a solid object, like a platform or floor. You don't have the player touching anything. Just having the BoundToLayout isn't enough. C3 thinks your player is still in the air. Add a solid object underneath your player and you'll see what I mean.
Did you try it yet?
When I first saw your post, I wasn't 100% sure as I never had the need to do that personally. So, I opened up 2 random projects and copy/pasted objects between them just to see if it did work. Yes, it did... and it took me less than a minute to find out for myself. Please tell me you didn't wait several hours for someone to answer you.
You shouldn't have a problem with that, as long as the objects all have unique names. You can't replace any objects that have the same name in the destination project.
Take a look at Blend Modes, which is a demo project included in C3. Specifically, Destination out.
I was bored, so I made a quick mock-up of what you want.
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Maybe I should have taken the time to correct the settings so as not to confuse anyone. But, it's all good. ;)
dazedangels, not that I'm aware of. It's always worked for me. Does your phone have rotation enabled in the settings?
you say your game is supposed to be horizontal but your view-port aspect ratio is portrait (9:16)?
If you're referring to me, my screenshot was only an example to show the OP where the relevant setting was.
Did you specify your Orientations in your Project Properties?