lamar's Forum Posts

  • OK I think I figured out this problem and it is a bug of sorts.

    I am using huge wallpaper images for backgrounds and when I loaded them in the editor warned me they were extremely large. So I used the size controls in the sprite editor to make them smaller and they all appeared to be working correctly in the layout and game.

    When I opened the capx the next time all of those images in that sprite had reset to the original size of the original wallpaper but the image would not stretch to fill the sprite and appeared cut in half in the layout.

    Why I don't know but when I reduced the image in the sprite to a smaller size and stretched it in the layout it went back to normal and is showing the whole image.

    So, lesson learned that if you use huge wall papers for sprites they may appear to work and show up properly in the layout but when you open that capx the next time the sprite may appear cut in half so use smaller images for backgrounds and reduce them before loading into your sprite or you will be pulling your hair out.

    So it is a bug but not a serious one and I am able to continue my work on this game whew!

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  • UPDATE: I uninstalled and reinstalled R239 and still same problem?

    It appears that C2 layout is considering these a tiled sprite when they are not and this is only affecting them in the layout screen not when the game runs or the sprite is viewed in the editor.

    I copied the image to a tiled sprite and it is also showing gaps and only showing the image on the left and then a gap where it should tile on the right.

    If anyone has suggestions for fixing it I am all ears as this is a huge sandbox game and I do not want to start over because of a stinking sprite that won't do what it is told to lol!

    I still believe it is a bug related to an earlier crash which would mean something in windows 10 failed and is refusing to work in C2 possibly?

  • Tom & Ashley

    I have noticed the arcade server gets a lot of traffic and will at times slow to a halt when uploading or viewing a game and we get 404 and other errors quite frequently which is frustrating to players and designers.

    I have notified Tom and he has said he is looking in to the issue and they are aware that the server is probably overloaded and needs an update and server updates are expensive.

    I would like to suggest some ways to extend the use of the present server and for Scirra to make additional revenue from the arcade to put towards server updates and maintenance:

    1- There are probably many games that never get played after uploaded taking up space. I suggest any games not played after 30 days you notify the game owner that the game will be deleted and then delete. They can update and reupload if it is that important.

    2- Limit new game designers without experience points to 5 game uploads. They can replace a game that is not getting played. Limit all game designers to 10 uploads and maybe offer a price service for more than 10 game uploads.

    3- Allow paid advertising in the side bars of games. Games advertisements must be created with C2. Allow other paid advertisements for outside games at your discretion.

    That would reduce the space used on the server increasing reliability and the extra revenue would allow Scirra to buy servers and do maintenance that keeps the arcade working and popular.

    Just my opinion and if there are other suggestions put them in the comments.

  • See bug and solution in comments!

    Problem Description

    Saved my capx and everything working fine. Opened capx a few days later and the sprite I am using for a background only showed exactly half of the image in the C2 layout screen. Checked sprite and it shows full image. Ran game and it shows full image. Tried to erase and reinsert image picture and still shows only half in C2 layout screen. Deleted entire sprite and created new sprite with same images and still only showing half of image in layout screen. Checked and no effects or behaviors on sprite and nothing I did would change how that damn sprite appeared in the layout screen.

    Other sprites all appear normal and it is not a tiled sprite just a regular sprite.

    Then noticed my tiled sprite grid is now showing major gaps that were not there when I saved the capx and it also will not allow me to change it no matter what I try.

    I had a major system crash on another capx that shut down the whole C2 and my system previously and ever since then I am seeing strange sprite behaviors when I start C2 and some features like changing the C2 load screen have stopped working completely.

    Crash report here:

    I am not a newbie and have been using C2 for years so I know if a setting or something is causing a problem and this appears to be a bug that has persisted after a crash on C2.

    If I can not get it fixed I will delete C2 and download it again and see if that fixes the problem.

    If you have had a similar experience address it in the comments please.

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    ____ What happens? ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO) Chrome Yes
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 64 bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    239 64 bit

  • The problem is you are using <6 and checking every 30 seconds and you will always go to Retry layout because your score will always be below 6 in 30 second and will go to that layout without getting past that event.

    The way to solve that is with a trigger variable.

    Global Variable TRIGGER =0

    SCORING >0 and SCORING <6 Set TRIGGER =1

    SCORING >6 and SCORING <=8 Set TRIGGER =2

    SCORING >8 and SCORING <12 Set TRIGGER =3

    SCORING =12 Set TRIGGER =4

    Every 30 Seconds

    TRIGGER =1 Go To Layout Retry

    TRIGGER =2 Go to Layout Average

    TRIGGER =3 Go To Layout WINNERS

    TRIGGER =4 Go To Layout Excellent

    With that it only checks once at 30 seconds for you SCORING and the TRIGGER will send it to the correct layout

    Remember to reset TRIGGER =0 when you go back to play or it will just keep sending you to that layout.

  • I have lots of games with text boxes that run fine in NW.JS.

    Sounds more like you might have an event resetting your text boxes to blank when mouse is not over them.

    I would check your events one by one.

    Also check your effects if you are using masks.

  • Hey,

    ah yes I totally understand that. I'm not saying you should change the game, but rather the name as it's got to do with people's expectations, a game name should 'tell' what the game is about. If you get my point. I'm not trying to boss you around of course, this is just what I was thinking.

    Here ya go- try this version.

    UPDATE: Added more cars and now you can pick up and drop off customers. Smoothed out traffic and increased your car speed and added a little drift to make it interesting. Leader board now working.

    Check it out and test your driving skills:

    • Post link icon

    > So Tom it will be $99 and $99 a year after that for people without a license. $49.50 the first year if you have a license and then $99 a year.


    > Is that correct?


    Yes that's correct.

    > If that is an auto subscription renewal I can already see parents screaming when they did not expect that ongoing bill when little Johny thought he was getting a one time purchase. May even raise legal issues.


    Saying there are legal issues is pure speculation that we're going to do something intentionally illegal, which of course we would never do.

    I was not intimating you would intentionally do something illegal Tom and sorry if it sounded like that.

    I don't know other country laws but in the US a child under 17 can not legally enter in to a contract of any kind including a subscription without parent permission so I was seeing a scenario where some of your subscribers are kids and the parents get a bill for an ongoing subscription and that could raise legal issues in the US.

    Just something to be aware of and has caused probs for other companies in the US.

    • Post link icon

    Depends on what you are getting for that subscription. If C3 is fully loaded and working why subscribe to get updates and use the cloud?

    I will try out the free versions and probably wait a year for Scirra to get the bugs out of C3 beta and then consider if I want it and if the addons are worth $99 a year.

    It seems to be more for console and mobile designers serious about publishing games and making money than the average C2 user that just wants to create and hopes they get lucky with a good game.


  • I would have to see your sprites and what you are planning for movements to tell you anything more.

  • >

    > For number 2 they can make it like buildbox thats the ultimate easy to use game maker but the price is too much. I never seen games made as fast as buildbox games.


    Buildbox is crazy expensive, but seems to be doing well. Its nice and slick but its extremely limited. It does look to be getting better over time. Buildbox is for wealthy beginners only!

    I am working on some sandbox builders using the C2 engine that will allow any user to create a platform, RPG, racing and other styles of games just by dragging and dropping components.

    Platform Builder is almost done and just need to work on snap to grid. I can make a platformer with that in an hour with lots of special effects and features.

  • Are you doing physics on body parts?

    Generally using fixed animations or loops is going to be faster an take less events.

  • Comparing text in a text box is almost impossible.

    You would be better off making it a multiple choice quiz.

    Set a text box like this:

    Text "What color is the sky?"

    Text "A=Blue B=Green C=Yellow"


    Global Variable RightAnswer=0 WrongAnswer=0

    On keyboard A key pressed set RightAnswer =1

    On Keyboard B pressed WrongAnswer =1

    On Keyboard C pressed WrongAnswer =1

    On RightAnswer =1 go to next question

    Something like that.

    • Post link icon

    Please keep it civil everyone, there's no need to be sniping at each other.

    For current Construct 2 license holders, first year is 50% off. This means you'll be able to use Construct 3 for a year for $49.50.

    So Tom it will be $99 and $99 a year after that for people without a license.

    $49.50 the first year if you have a license and then $99 a year.

    Is that correct?

    I have to say I think that newcomer price will keep a lot of people from buying and subscribing when first released considering C3 will be a Beta the first year.

    It is that $99 a year subscription cost to keep using it that I think will turn off many people. Many of your supporters are younger kids and people from other countries where $99 a year is a whole lot of money.

    If that is an auto subscription renewal I can already see parents screaming when they did not expect that ongoing bill when little Johny thought he was getting a one time purchase. May even raise legal issues.

    Not trying to tell you how to run your business just looking at this as a businessman that has seen subscriptions kill a business and I want Scirra to be around and to grow it's customer base.

    ADDED: We are seeing alot of error messages and slow uploads and game loads in the arcade. Is there a server issue or something hanging things up?

  • I tried several times to load the new version and it only loads up to about 5% and freezes up. More arcade issues perhaps? I'm not sure. I'm looking forward to checking it out though.

    It loaded slow the first time for me ans Scirra still having issues with arcade. Throwing errors on games and you have to reload.

    The game is fine and it is a server issue they need to resolve.