lamar's Forum Posts

  • Alright, here's the capx - ... .capx?dl=0

    It's a released game, so I really need to be able to open and update it. I've tried several older backups, same error.

    It has an add on:

    That may be causing your problems

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  • Just looking at other sources of income for games I am ready to publish and came across this one:

    Has anyone published through them and give me some feedback on the website and payment integrity?

  • Hmmm?

    I would use a global variable as a trigger to keep other direction keys from being used and only make the other direction keys work when the platformer is on the platform.

    Global variable OnPlatform=0

    On Key Down: Move Player Left


    Player On Platform: Set OnPlatform=1

    On Jump Pressed: Set OnPlatform=0

    Something like that.

  • Not sure I can help without seeing a CAPX but if you only want the players to move horizontally then you only need to change the X coordinate which is left and right on the screen.

    You would use the Y coordinate of the player and only change the X coordinate to the Mouse X coordinate.

    Set Player Position Player.Y Mouse.X

    That way the player always stays at the same Y coordinate and only moves on the X coordinate.

    You should go ahead and download the free C2 version so you have your own copy to practice with.

  • > You can randomize your time after each spawn which would give less chance of duplication.


    > Use a global variable for SpawnTime instead of every 5 seconds and randomize that after each spawn.


    I think your suggestion will fit perfectly for Q no 3, but i'm a little bit lost here.

    You mean that:

    - I create global variable for SpawnTime.

    - Randomize after each spawn (that will refer to SpawnTime) is this correct?

    If so, (sorry for noob question) what type and value should i put for SpawnTime?

    Yes- use a global variable for your spawn time instead of a set 5 second interval and randomize it at the first of the event and in each sub event following. That should reduce any duplication.

    There may still be an occasional duplication but it would be very rare.

  • Without a CAPX it is hard to say what causes the lag but open loops and On Every Ticks are usually the culprit.

    Sound effects not properly handled can also cause lag.

  • There are a few ways to do it but I used the bullet behavior for the coins and set them to the same speed as your platforms and use a random X and Y coordinate to adjust where they start off screen.

    Destroy them when they hit the other side and create them in a new location on the side they enter.

    You can also randomize the time between when they are created so their is no pattern for the player to predict.

  • > What you are trying to do is illegal in the US without a gaming license and the FBI and International Law would be all over you if you even try it.


    Thanks for the reply, but I do not live in the US.

    Well I suggest you check your countries laws and Paypal is a US owned company that has to follow US laws so they would not be involved in any Casino.

  • I have spent a lot of time working over the physics on my on pinball games and did some colluding with some old programmers I know and I think this is the best anyone can do using C2 physics to get realistic ball and flipper action.

    This game is so tight you can stall, dribble and pass the ball and shoot with dead on accuracy while still getting that real pinball response.

    So come try it out and tell me what you think?

    Now that I have the physics working like I want I will start turning this into a Pinball Sandbox Builder so people can build their own pinball games using pre-built assets provided or assets you create.


  • If you can't make a game in under 250 events I think you need to evaluate your events and learn to optimize your games.

    Hell I have written over a hundred games and I don't think any of them came close to 200 events and most are under a hundred events.

    I have full complete games with less that 30 events!

  • What you are trying to do is illegal in the US without a gaming license and the FBI and International Law would be all over you if you even try it.

  • > Just my opinion but if you go running for a plugin every time you need to do something a little complex you are missing an opportunity to learn how the behaviors work and you will struggle more in the future when things don't work and you have to debug your events.


    > Plugins can be helpful but some are also known to crash and in a commercial game that would be a terrible thing to have happen.


    Third-party plugins are nice and all and are probably the way to go if you're concerned about what's easier/what's a better way to do it but...

    One scenario I have is where I'm building a gamekit/sdk, and I want it to work out of the box completely, so I'm avoiding third-party plugins at near all costs.

    Yup and I don't have any plugins installed for that reason. I can do anything a plugin can do using the C2 builtins and I know they will continue working if I update to a newer version of C2.

    I used to have some plugins and now some of my older games are basically useless because those plugins no longer work in the newer C2 version and crashes the game or makes it impossible to open and edit.

  • Play the game here:

    Gladiator Ball is a hard hitting funny Football themed game where you are pitted against gladiators and must run the ball to the end zone and kick the ball for a field goal.

    Gladiators have a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence and will learn your moves so it gets harder as you get better. You can grab a power up nutrition bar while you are running and that allows you to block and run through Gladiators.

    This is an early beta release to get feedback and I will be adding team and player statistics, leader board, two player option and other features.

    Don't forget to rate and leave a comment!


    Mouse or Touch controls.

    Double tap to select your team logo and start your player running or kick the ball. You can use arrow keys to move player but double tap on player to start.

    Save and Load are Blue and Yellow buttons on the scoreboard.

    Only top row of team's logo are available in the free version.

    NOTE: This is just an early beta to get feedback and the game will be removed in a week while I finish it for publication.

  • willmonteirofx

    I was going to say I made an angry bird demo a couple years ago - but then I noticed the link was to that message thread, and lamar's capx was based on my example...

    so, the only thing I will add is that if you want the dots to fade out like in the image you made at the beginning of this thread, then add an action at event 4 (Draw dotted line) that says:

    Dot5 > Set opacity to (DotCount-loopindex) / DotCount * 100

    and you may want to reduce the DotCount global variable to 40 or less. Otherwise they will always know they are going to get a basket!

    Hey AllanR, I thought that CAPX looked familiar but I thought it was Korbaachs sorry. Good work!

  • Create a clickable grid system? I tried creating a grid system by making each grid tile an individual sprite, but now I have over 1,000 sprites and it's making the game super laggy. I just need to be able to change the tiles individually to a different color on click and didn't know how to do this without making each tile a sprite.


    You would still need tile sprites to represent the different colors but you shouldn't need that many of them and you can create that colored tile at Position Mouse.X and Mouse.Y

    Do you have the grid event set up so your mouse cursor moves one grid space at a time?