lamar's Forum Posts

  • I would just suggest Ashley & Tom take some time to look at how Itchio, Kongregate, and Newgrounds handles their arcade and they don't have an engine they promote.

    The Scirra arcade could be just as good or even much better with JUST Scirra engine games that attracts people to get the licensed version and could actually compete with those arcades and websites like Steam to get the best designers to get a licensed version and become sponsors for their engine and that is what they need to compete against other engines out there.

    The arcade already exists and would not require that much to make it work and certainly not a lot of money to accomplish so I think the only thing keeping it from happening is lack of desire and vision for the future.

    Just my opinion!

  • Come on guys- give this game a try and I think you will enjoy it.

    Need some feedback before I publish it.

  • Use another invisible sprite on top of the platform and check for overlap.

  • I don't use plugins for something as simple as direction and movement controls.

    The plugin doesn't stop when it should and continues to try and go left and it does not address acceleration properly.

    My suggestion is get rid of the plugin and use the 8 direct commands which adjust for acceleration.

  • Feels solid. Gave it a few tries and found it physically flawless. I suck just like i suck at real pinballs ;P

    Thnks- I think that is as close to realistic as I can get with C2 physics so it is ready for publishing.

  • If you copy sprites and then make a change to animation frames it affects all those sprites unless you pick a specific sprite by instance variable.

    That doesn't apply when you create a sprite which can be set differently but does if those sprites are all in existence on the layout.

    So you need to assign each sprite an instance and use that to pick which sprites change their animation frame.

  • Make a category called "Stinkers".

    Let the users rate it to a category.

    User ratings only work if you don't have pirate raters using multiple accounts to rate their own games up and other games down.

    That is one thing Scirra needs to get fixed as the rating system stinks.

    I think only registered members with a reputation over 500 should be able to rate games.

  • >

    > Well click bait banner ads are not the only advertising I use and there are many ways of getting advertising revenue besides those ads BUT that is how many game designers get their revenue and if a game goes viral it can bring in a lot of revenue and if that game is on Scirra arcade when it goes viral that attracts new visitors and gives them incentive to get a license.


    The way I see it Scirra Arcade is not the end goal but more of a place to test your game and show aspiring developers the possibilities.

    Would you play a great game on say an Android device or on Newgrounds and be thinking "Hmmm maybe this game is one Scirra Arcade to. I'll go play it there." ???

    I just don't see that happening any time soon. I can see people possibly visiting your game on the Arcade, , liking it and hoping the game is on Android/iOS too but never the other way around.

    That is exactly the point. When I publish my games to Itchio or other arcades I remove any Scirra advertising so they are not getting promoted and those games are not helping Scirra attract new designers that will buy a license.

    BUT if that game is on Scirra arcade and goes viral everyone knows it was made with a Scirra engine and that encourages more game designers to get a licensed engine.

    Scirra needs better game designers to use their engine and that is what attracts more designers to get a license and that is what the arcade could be used for but instead has been going downhill steadily for the last few years.

  • > I am now publishing on Itchio, Kongregate and other arcades because I don't feel the Scirra arcade is helping promote our games and has some unresolved server issues with CAPX files and loads get screwed up leaving my games in 404 limbo.


    While I agree with most of your points I understand why they wouldn't want to implement Ads anyway.

    Even if there were ads you would still need to have at least 100 visitors to accidentally click on them to be able to get what? $0.03?

    Well click bait banner ads are not the only advertising I use and there are many ways of getting advertising revenue besides those ads BUT that is how many game designers get their revenue and if a game goes viral it can bring in a lot of revenue and if that game is on Scirra arcade when it goes viral that attracts new visitors and gives them incentive to get a license.

    It is also a good starter platform for people just getting into making revenue from their games to try out different advertising methods and get help setting up ads in their games in the forum that is directly related to the games in the arcade.

    It may even be the stepping stone to Scirra competing with Steam and other game selling websites and a platform for independent instant gaming which I feel will replace app games in the near future.

  • Instead of using Sprite X > Mouse.X use Sprite X = Mouse.X

    That way it only stops when it reaches that mouse pointer.

    You will need to set the speed back where you want it when it does not = Mouse.X

    On Sprite X NOT EQUAL Mouse.X set speed whatever speed you want.

    That should fix it.

  • Do you agree the Scirra Arcade needs quality control? What would you propose?

    I have brought this up a few times and my suggestions:

    1) Have new game developers without reputation points and a license be limited to 5 game uploads. They can delete and replace games as needed.

    2) Games not played after 30 days get automatically deleted so as to not take up server space.

    3) Create a search feature like used in the Scirra store so people can find relevant games.

    3.5) Allow licensed users to use an animated gif instead of the poorly proportioned game pic that tells users nothing about the game. Similar to what the Scirra store uses.

    4) Allow only licensed developers to upload more games and have the games sections divided into licensed game developers and free edition users. That would encourage more users to get a licensed version.

    5) Allow licensed developers to include 3rd party advertising for free or a nominal fee of maybe $10 a month. That encourages users to get a license and will bring over more good game designers to Scirra if they know they can offset the cost of a C2 or C3 license with their games in the arcade.

    6) Stop the multiple account rating pirates from pushing their games to the top of the games lists. I see this happening a lot with the same few games not getting new plays but getting high ratings that keep their games at the top of the listings.

    Scirra wants more users to get a license but if the games they see in the arcade are low quality they will think the engine is low quality when it isn't. Scirra also wants to attract better game developers to showcase their games in the arcade and allowing 3rd party advertising and a way for those licensed developers to showcase their games and make a little revenue from their games would be an incentive for more people to get a licensed version.

    This isn't any slam against new game developers and honestly most of my first games were **** and we need a place to try out our **** games to get feedback and make them better but they should not be front and center in the arcade where people visiting will think that represents the quality of the Scirra game engine.

    So have two different sections and encourage more advanced licensed game developers with the incentive of using ads in their games and selling their games through the arcade would be a solution and would also provide Scirra some extra revenue if they charged a nominal fee for advertising in games but if they want to make that free that is fine by me.

    Just my thoughts and I have brought this up to Ashley & Tom and got shot down so I am now publishing on Itchio, Kongregate and other arcades because I don't feel the Scirra arcade is helping promote our games and has some unresolved server issues with CAPX files and loads get screwed up leaving my games in 404 limbo.

  • I dont see Set Player Position and Player.Y isn't an object. Plus there will be many units so this is not really the playr

    Player refers to your object sprite.

    If you are not moving sprites what are you moving?

    Without a CAPX to look at I can't really help you.

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to record voice from pc microphone, or phone mic , save it and play it back. Or at least play it back without saving it.

    I do not see this anywhere under help or tutorials. I do see voice synthesis and recognition, but not recording and playback



    I would suspect you would have to direct them to a webpage that records and saves the recording and then you could load that from the URL.

    BUT what you are suggesting falls under some legal issues in the US concerning phone tapping laws so just be aware that recording anything without consent using a phone or PC is against US laws.

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  • I am incorporating something similar in my newest game that will open a video on my youtube game channel that is autoplay and brings in more revenue than a click banner and the video will promote my other games and includes advertising from Google adsense related to gaming.

    I haven't tried it yet but I think that will bring in more revenue.

  • its very hard to get the coins appearing from the left side :s can you help?

    actually my coins are created and appear inside the level :s

    I would have to see your CAPX to help.

    Basically you create a coin at a random position using the X and Y coordinate and it will travel what ever direction you have set in the bullet settings. Then you destroy it using the X setting when it reaches the opposite side and create it again on the start side.

    If they are appearing inside the level it sounds like you need to change the X coordinate to be outside the layout when they are created.