LaDestitute's Forum Posts

  • Capx

    (I first came across this problem in r80, but it's still happening for me with r80.2)

    When I tried to open my project (I hadn't touched it in a while), it failed to open in release 80 and 80.2, and I got this error message:

    ailed to open project '\\?\C:\Users\Main Account\AppData\Local\Temp\cap3D1GOV\Chao Land.caproj':

    Error in parameter 'End index': Type mismatch: - does not work with 'string' and 'integer' (use & to build strings)

    Line 823, column 49

    In Test Map ES.xml

    The file may be invalid. Try checking the file in a text editor (projects are saved in XML format).


    Motherboard: Asus M4A87TD (USB 3.0)

    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (build 7601)

    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 925 GHz

    RAM: Mushkin 2GB DDR3-SDRAM PC3-12800 x4 (8 GB)

    Video: Zotac GeForce GTS 250 memory

    Sound: Via HD audio

    C2 Release: 80.2

  • I can't post in the bugs board for some reason, it tells me I have access denied or something.

    As suggested by the page, I checked:

    Cookies enabled?: Yes, and I also tried clearing them. No luck.

    Using saved or cached page: No.

    Firewall hiding or blocking IP?: No.

  • So, I've been out of the loop and haven't done any work for my project in a couple months so what are your suggestions to get back into a flow for doing game development work? Aside from just buckling down and "doing it".

  • So, my primary concern with making games in Construct 2 is optimization and efficiency. It's because I want as many people as possible to play my games without sacrificing any quality in nay form, like with detail, sound quality, etc...

    Any tips or shortcuts of what I can do, especially event wise?

  • Why not use the pick by furthest/nearest? Just use the exact x-y co-ords for the object (as long as it's stationary, or use [object-name]-x/y), and it'll never fail.

  • example

    Right click empty space in the animation frames window.

  • About the last one:

    Would I have to create additional events for each tree in relation of changing instance variables, or can I make one global set of events with some sort of possible "for every tree" command if it exists for instance variables?

    To clear things up, I just want to know what's the most efficient and/or easiest way to handle the instance variables for tree no. 2, and so on.

    Nevermind: I think I figured out how to pick by instance. I just wonder if there is possibly? a better way to do this or if there is a "compare object instance number"? condition/command available.

  • So, I made a gardening system in my project (credit goes to Yann for showing me how to) and I've come across some problems.

    *The planting patch's sprite slightly changes Y co-ords as it changes between growth stages. I've checked, the sprite does not change it's y co-ords via events, only by itself. All of the sprites for it are also 32x32.

    *There is currently no way to extend the tree's lifespan (at least in the engine) after it reaches harvestable maturity. I just like for it to be longer, that's all.

    *Due to all dirt patches being instance copies of each other, a glitch occurs where if you change one instance variable: It changes all of the other trees in the game. I consider this a problem since each planting patch in-game is considered a separate entity.

    Also, any better way to handle animation in events than what I'm doing in controls? At least, a cleaner or more efficient way.


  • The screenshots are from a postponed project of mine on a different engine, and yes. As of for what I'm working on, I'm working on a single player fan-made fantasy Chao RPG with a friend unsurprisingly.

  • I tried looking through Construct 2's features for these, as well as searching through the forums and tutorials. Didn't find what I needed, so anyway here's what I'm talking about. Is there a possible way I can do this in Construct 2 normally or any plugins existing that do either of these or both? I'm aware of the Canvas plugin, but I heard it lags on large layouts.

    Tint screen:

    No, not tinting a sprite. Tinting the whole screen, in terms of changing the current red/green/blue/grey values (from -255 to 255) to change the overall tent of the screen. Some screenshots:

    Before screen tint (normal)

    After tint

    Light Affect:

    Making a visual affect where an object that is a source of light (such as a campfire or lamp) has a brighter tint on it compared to the rest of the layout, with a layout traditionally darker than the light source.

    Example (look at the streetlamps}

  • Ps, me and Inf3rnal have known each other for a long while...about two years and a half.

  • Cavestory.

  • Hi, I'm a student who lives on the west coast of the united states, and I have a passion for video game design, video games, and computers. I also love music. :3

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  • Slashing? As in a sword weapon? Is the short part of the player sprite or does it serve as a sprite pinned to the player when in use/at all times?

  • Bytes, you don't understand what I'm trying to bring across. This health bar I cooked up for my game, with a little tinkering; the same mechanics can be used for a Zelda style health display.

    In place of the frame, you just have the single hearts frame in place on the top gui layer. You place the red graphics (you'll probably have to have more than one of the red graphics, from full to completely empty) in the same x/y coordiates on a topmost layer (for gui, with 0,0 parallex) and with a little adjustment; you can get the health gui to change display without filling over or running into problems.