So, I made a gardening system in my project (credit goes to Yann for showing me how to) and I've come across some problems.
*The planting patch's sprite slightly changes Y co-ords as it changes between growth stages. I've checked, the sprite does not change it's y co-ords via events, only by itself. All of the sprites for it are also 32x32.
*There is currently no way to extend the tree's lifespan (at least in the engine) after it reaches harvestable maturity. I just like for it to be longer, that's all.
*Due to all dirt patches being instance copies of each other, a glitch occurs where if you change one instance variable: It changes all of the other trees in the game. I consider this a problem since each planting patch in-game is considered a separate entity.
Also, any better way to handle animation in events than what I'm doing in controls? At least, a cleaner or more efficient way.