kyleo's Forum Posts

  • You can also add notes into your code to help you remember why you did what you did. Also, having groups and event sheets doesn't slow anything down.

    The most important thing to remember when organizing and moving your events around and into groups is that the order of everything does matter.

    SO if you have a bunch of event sheets and move one above or below where it was, things might stop working in your game. Not a big a deal, you can move it back-- but if you don't realize this is the issue right away, you could end up debugging for a long time.

  • There are ways to scramble and protect your INI files from the prying eyes of players. Even then, wouldn't they have to understand my idiosyncratic PV naming? Thank you.

  • Out of Hash Table, Array, and INI-- are they all just as quick, and it comes down to your preference in how you like to store data?

    I have a simple save system in mind-- the game saves when you leave a layout, I have maybe 50 variables to be loaded when you enter that layout again (locked doors, opened chests, etc.) Also a simple Zelda style inventory (either you have the item or you don't)...

    Easy to keep track of no matter which data object I use.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Gosh that's a lot of work... I'm starting to think maybe I will just make my game more simple. Thank you!

  • I want to preserve an objects relative position and angle to another object, but I want that first object to be the player, and I want the other object to be a platform that moves in every direction and rotates at every angle. The player's position and angle to this platform would only be preserved while in a specified area (an area on and above the platform)...

    I have tried adding the X and Y vectors of motion of the platform to the players, but this doesn't work when the platform starts rotating.

    Any suggestions or hints?

  • I think I'm going to have to dedicate my game to you... you or lucid!

  • I chase you around circle.... if your angle is higher than mine than I add speed counterclockwise, you have lower angle I go clockwise... but then you cross 360 and I am 346 then you angle 0 I must go all the way around circle!!

    Please help me to catch you better! Thank you. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I am using the text object for dialogue in my game. Would be it better (performance wise) to load all the text (strings) to write from an .ini / hash table or to just write it all down in the action? It will add up to a lot of text. Or does it not even matter? I don't know how much memory and processing power something like this takes up.

  • Just started trying out Construct 2 for this new competition...

    I understand attributes have been merged with behaviors... but there are also families yet?

    If not how will I achieve a "is overlapping 'solid'" condition?

    Thank you.

  • Here is an example from Construct Classic...

  • IN my opinion longer is better, but only if you are introducing new things, and not repeating the same boss battles with a slight twist to make them slightly harder.

    The first time through Cave Story takes around 3 hours. SO I would say... about 3 hours.

  • My apologies, I meant angle of the sprite and not the angle of motion.

    At any rate, even with you misunderstanding what I meant you still answered my question for a trigonometric solution to calculating X and Y. I am still trying to understand where these triangles are being formed.

    Thank you so much!

  • In the custom movement behavior you can move objects "horizontally" and "vertically" according to a specified angle of orientation. I thought, "this will be perfect for my 2d planet game where there is no 'up' or 'down'-- its all relative! I now realize this might be more math than I anticipated.

    Is there a way to get this relative "horizontal" and "vertical" speed of an object, and not just it's X and Y speed?

    Better yet, can someone take a look at this cap and tell me if there is a better way to do this? In addition to this road block I have hit, there are numerous other little flaws in my custom movement platform behavior. I feel there is some sort of elegant trigonometric solution to all my problems that I am unable to see...

  • I am wondering, are there any other 2d games with this concept:

    I am thinking about doing some experiments and elaborating more on this idea-- however I would definitely first like to know if there are any other games that have used this-- so that I can know just how much more creative I have to be!

  • I remember when you would jump on Yoshi and all the sudden the drums would come in.

    That was like... NASA technology.