Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Sorry shinkan, I tested what you say, and it works as intended (I can change, add, substract to the value). Tested in XP sp3

  • Check this post

  • Ashley : This topic ?

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  • Ohh ok, i see....

    I thought you might be involved to the team 'cause you seem omnipresent in the forum <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'm just a CC/C2 enthousiast.

    The reason why i ask for svg is that it`s so tiny and fully scalable. Actually i?m an "html5 and javascript/jquery "- newbie.

    But the idea is to have a full felxible website with full flexible canvas with full flexible content/grafix on it.

    So- create the game once and run it on pc or on mobiles/pad as well witout creating special graphicfiles for different platforms.

    And svg is the only graphicformat i know, which could be used for this.

    So this is why i find it so interesting.

    As far as I know, PNG and JPG are multiplatform.

    Anyway, on export of a project, graphics files are compressed to png.

  • Can you say something according to my former question about possible svg-import in the future?

    It would be a fantastic feature, creating even smaller and more flexible grfx.

    Hmmm I can't say anything about this:

    + Where is said question ?

    + I'm not part of Scirra, Ashley is the one who could answer any feature-to-implement related question.

    + C2 can already process jpg, png and certainly other formats that I'm forgeting atm. Isn't it enough for now ?

  • Check the beginner's tutorial for C2.

    Groups are made by right clicking in the event sheet (not on an event, on the background of the sheet itself) and selecting "add group".

    The rest is drag/drop.

  • Using the AJAX object directed toward twitter (the url you use for your calls being the twitter url).

  • In "maingame" layout display set the text "valorscore" property "initial visibility" to Invisible.

    In "gamecode" event sheet the event 58 needs to be a subevent of event 57 and then score appears to work.

  • You should post your capx, it'd make it easier for us to help you out.

  • catchcolor.capx

    Edit: Darn ninja'd by Ash Kyatric

    2011-09-21 00:16:06


  • But it is also true that people without a badge suck and don't support the wonderful softwares that CC and C2 are.

    They will all be gathered in a soon to be made part of the forum (the only part of the forum they'll be given the opportunity to see). And then governement will come and count them. After they'll be taken to spaceships and sent into outer space as slaves for aliens populations.

    [/counter trolling conspiracy over]

  • Yes But i dont know how to change the viewport

    Are you talking about the size of the project ? If so in the project tab click on the root of your project (if you haven't changed its name it is "New project") and check in the properties window. There is a value "Window Size", this is where you change the size of the "viewport".

  • There's a pathfinding behaviour included in C2. It will calculate the path for you. At the moment, you'll still have to program the movement of objects along the path by yourself.

    More and a .capx example in this topic

    (No need to download the behaviour it is included in C2)

    I suggest you to check the beginner's guide to C2 as well as the others C2 related tutorials and get familliar with C2.

    Most of what RPG toolkit proposed seem to be doable in C2's events style.