Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • brent_hamel: The bug is tied to this one here. The iFrame plugin uses the same system of position update as the button plugin.

    Once it's fully fixed for the button (which is the case apparently, but another bug appeared in the scale mode) it should only be a matter of copy/paste in the iFrame plugin to fix.

    Let's also hope jessejoh will update the plugin for maintenance sake.

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  • Check the second image in the Image Points dialog entry of the manual.

    It's in the image editor itself, on the left column the red and blue points icon.

    Click on it, and from there you're in image point mode.

    Edit: Also welcome on the forum. Be sure to introduce yourself if you want to get a bit of reputation/badge.

  • The web storage HTML5 spec gives 5 mb as base storage.

    The wikipedia page indicates that IE proposes up to 10 mo (it's funny, I remember having read another article somewhere that told that Chrome was providing up to 10 Mo whereas the other browsers only 5).

    Anyway, for strict datas (like array of values), 5 Mo should take a while to fill, and the user should have a popping window to make more space available if the limit is reached.

  • Nice example R0J0hound, added to the how do I FAQ, thank you.

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  • Example capx

    It's not fully working. Nevertheless, it shows how to create joints (you could also have checked back the physics tutorial for that).

    The idea there is to put acceleration and decceleration on the backwheel.

    It doesn't take the angle of the carbody into account for now, I'll leave it up to your good care.

    The rotation of the carbody seems buggy too, but is some sort of possible implementation to implement a motorcycle behavior like in motoX for example.

  • There is no ELSE statement as it is, but you can use the regular events.

    In our case,

    ball.x < 0 //Left boundary

    ... Ball => Destroy

    ball.x > 300 //Right boundary, you can also use "layoutwidth" or "windowwidth"

    ... Ball => Destroy

    ball.y < 0 //Top boundary

    ... Ball => Destroy

    ball.y > 600 //Bottom boundary, you can also use "layoutheight" or "windowheight"

    ... Ball => Destroy

    This way, if the ball is out of boundaries, we destroy it.

    Layoutheight/layoutwidth and windowwidth/windowheight are system expressions.

  • Thanks Braxmule and the people at funchowder for having hosted this competition.

    And congratulations to all those who entered a game.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • b]Picking/selecting instance(s)

        Selecting/Picking the correct UID - LINK

        Picking separate instances from a same object - LINK

        About picking - LINK

    With those three topics (extracted from the how do I FAQ) you should have all the basics you need about picking/UID.

    Be sure also to read the manual.

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  • You can go with instance variables (IV) and the animations feature of the sprite object.

    Make an IV "Type" (text) and one "State" (text).

    Then be sure to name your different animations according to Type_State (ex: knife_drawn; deserteagle_reload; etc...)

    Then in your conditions you can check for the values of the IV you want.

    And to set the animation :

    Sprite_Set animation to: Sprite.Type & "_" & Sprite.State

    This is basicly the same logic you described.

  • 01lifeleft: be sure to watch several times and pause, it helps getting the hang of it.

    Also the pictures help to understand the concept/idea they are talking about, sometimes in a shifted/indirect way, but most of them hit the target imo.

    Looking other episodes to get used to it helps too I guess. Also the topics treated are really interesting, and despite the "shortness" of the episodes it's filled with infos and insights.

  • I think you should rather find a forum about small/visual basic and post your question up there.

    Even for the "open topics", this is really out of scope and seem totally out of topic.