Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • I disagree to your thinking of messing around.

    Though, empiric discovery and experimentation in C2 are highly advised and rarely penalised as long as you stick to good practices.

    hat is what I mean. Young people starting to discover the computer beyond chatting don?t know about handling an interface at all.

    Starting to make a mess in purpose would make everything worse.

    [...] You can not expect people to know the interface just like that. I needed to learn it as well. Try to teach your grand grandma Construct 2. You will know what I mean.

    Especially when they don?t know programming, that?s why they have chosen Construct 2, they don?t like to have a mess. They need to know where to look. Otherwise this program is frustrating them to much that they just don?t like to use it.

    It's the teacher's role to accompany the student in its discovery of the interface/programming.

    ven if they managed to overcome a mess and still had an overview of the mess, it is not necessary to copy the entire project. Then you make a mess in your files. This is like you want a mess in you whole computer. Because of some graphic projects, I know what I mean. It will happen that you just loose the latest version of a project.

    Having logic and rigour and a good organisation of your saved files shouldn't result in losing files, or else, once again, there is some wrong practice going on somewhere.

    If you save on a regular basis new capx files, with clearly a different name, nothing like that should happen.

    don?t think that many people would agree to that. Especially when people are used to use programs like Photoshop where you just copy a layer and try out stuffs in one picture./quote]

    Construct 2 allow you to quickly test stuff in layouts/layers as well.

    But ultimately, comparing photoshop and C2 is compraing two not comparable things as those are two different softwares with two different goals, requiring two different workflows.

    You don't need to pay the same attention to the same things in code as in an image you're making.

    lso to copy the events of an entire sheet bit by bit is taking a lot of time = frustrating.

    Once again, you shouldn't be copying entire sheets. It's not exactly clear what you're referring to, but it seems to me there's some missed point here.

    don?t think that this is a special thing about teaching some kids.

    I think this can help people trying out a new program and trying to make a game without program knowledge.

    Having no programming knowledge doesn't prevent from being rigorous, and actually the good thing with C2 is that you slowly learn how to program in a "none boring" way.

    But still it is programming, and the teacher needs to be able to pass those basics and be able to frame the experimentations of its students when needed. Programming is demanding and you have to have some idea of what you're doing, or else indeed, your project might end up a mess.

    Experimentations are to be directed by the teacher, even if the student doesn't see/feel it clearly.

    And this goes for elder as younger people.

    Once people have some basic understanding of programming, then they can be "released" and free to experiment in their own ways.

  • Try to have crates 1 pixel smaller (63X63) than the grid's cells size.

  • Probably the same as this already reported bug.

  • The circle is an illusion Neo.

    Or perhaps you should explain in more details what you're wanting to do, expecting to do with such a detection and so we could provide more efficient help.

  • Quoted from the Sprite manual entry.

    s overlapping another object

    Is overlapping at offset

    True if any instance is overlapping any instance of another object. The collision polygons are taken in to account if set, as well as the object's size and rotation. The 'offset' variant will test for an overlap at an offset from the first object. For example, testing for an overlap at an offset of (100, 0) will temporarily move the object to the right 100 pixels, test for the overlap, then move it back again.

    It does move the object according to its origin point.

    Once the origin is moved, the collision polygon is moved accordingly.

  • Indeed, it is possible to pick specific instances of an object type.

    Check the how do I FAQ in the section "Picking/selecting instance(s)", there are already many elements listed with full discussions and examples on the subject as this is quite an important part of C2's basics.

    You can also check the tutorials (for example this one or this other one which deal entirely or in part with picking).

  • Happy birthday

  • I'm not exactly sure what "CCG" is, and I haven't played the game you refer to Metal_X.

    The custom behaviors turn the image into a string, and allow to turn the string into an image from the client's side, so the image has only to be downloaded once from the internet, and then can be stored/processed on the client's side anyway.

  • A previous topic on the subject.

    Using the forums search function might have given some start of an answer.

    Also : 2

  • 2. I haven't looked through all the code (there's a lot) but it looks like you're loading the values from webstorage on the title screen and then setting them to default values on start of layout.

    I haven't downloaded your code either, but I trust Ramones' judgement on this.

    What he means is that you should make sure in your "On start of layout" to only set the default values once, the very first time you execute your program and not every time the layout starts otherwise you will be under the impression that only default values are saved when they are in fact overwritten.

    I'd suggest you to read my tutorial Asteroid clone in less than 100 events, I explain a great deal about webstorage and it should be just what you need.

  • xeed: You can get your XML string thanks to the AJAX plugin.

    You might also want to check how to use project files in construct 2.

  • I edited my previous post.

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  • Look for WebRTC, an API primarily aimed at video/audio chat but that will allow to also send any type of data in a p2p way.

    It's not there yet, but it is in development.

    For your second issue, I'd suspect that the process of the game itself is frozen when the tab has lost focus, and so the websocket can't produce the Ping/Pong. I guess it's part of the standard itself.

    A workaround could be to warn the player to not change tabs when they are playing, and if it happens, "intercept" it with the Browser trigger "On suspended" sending a "Self-kick" message to your server and a "rejoin" message "On resumed".

    Handle a sort of pause for the player's entity in the current game, without needing to keep the connexion alive.

    You can set a timeout period on your server for the entities which were "paused" for too long, or when the current game is over.

    When the player joins again ("On resumed") activate the connexion again and place the entity into play again.

  • You can put images in the local webstorage once the image is extracted to Base64 and you can then inject the Base64 code as image with the third-part behaviors Fimbul mentioned.

    Anyway, I don't believe the downloaded/cached HTML5 files are flushed after two days.

    As for the size of download, check image compression in C2 which is really of big help as well as the spritesheet features that also helps with the download size.

    Once again, the game, the assets are only downloaded once. There is no "constant download everytime the game is accessed on the browser".

  • R0J0hound's technique does the job.

    Or at worse, you could have zipped the folder, but saving as a folder project, opening this project (Rebound.caproj) and saving it again as a capx/single file allows to obtain a 3Ko capx file.