Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • IE does not support webGL. It's not only your IE but all IEs of the whole world that have this big problem.

  • Talking about the snap to grid option.

    It does change, the thing is, after having modified the value of height, click back in the "Width" field to make sure the value register, otherwise, pressing return, or clicking in the layout may not indeed register the value.

    Please pay attention when reporting bugs to give the more informations possible.

  • The very first link of release of r110.2 actually linked to r110.

    It was soon changed after.

    Just check in the start page or the about dialog of your version that it is r110.2

    To be sure just download again r110.2 and install it, and check if it is working better.

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  • As mentioned in how to report bugs please provide a minimal capx (not a 12 mo capx).

    Also r110 did have some issues that were fixed in r110.2, make sure this is the version you're working with.

    Most likely, there is issue in your code (not really a C2 bug) due to changes in the version.

    Make sure to read the changelog to see where it could be coming from.

  • As mentioned in how to report bugs please provide a minimal capx (not a 12 mo capx).

    Also r110 did have some issues that were fixed in r110.2, make sure this is the version you're working with.

    Most likely, there is issue in your code (not really a C2 bug) due to changes in the version.

    Make sure to read the changelog to see where it could be coming from.

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  • Toby12: The plugins and behaviors all come with their own licensing normally. So that is to be checked for each plugin. If not mentioned, you can assume it's open for use, and it's always pleasant that it'd be credited in some sort in the final game.

    As for the answers, as long as it's posted on the forum it can be assumed that the person who answered/gave away an example did so knowing it would be reused, and so it's opened for anyone to use in their own games.

  • In networking in general, you have client side with a function to connect, and functions send/receive to exchange messages.

    It also means that you need to make a server that handles the connexion between the clients and is the source that receive the messages from the client and then broadcast it, as well as deal with the game's logic.

    The idea behind webRTC is that this server is "the webRTC service", a sort of "cloud" you don't touch upon, leaving you with nothing but the connect/send/receive to handle.

    You have little to no access to the server which only purpose is to deal with connecting clients (browsers) one to another and exchange messages between them.

    So yes, in the end, even with webRTC, a "gameplay" server will be required to be coded by the game maker, my mistake.

  • We also should be able to have access to webRTC in Chrome/Firefox in spring of 2013.

    This will take care of the communication part, but will remove the authoritative server (or need for the client to check for the values of the opponent's client). In other words, cheat prevention in webRTC won't be "easy" at first.

    Nevertheless, depending on how you design your game, it's not necessary needed to check for it. In a not competitive coop game for example, there is less "reason"/meaning to be cheating.

  • "Snap to grid" in the "Layout" tab of the ribbon ?

    <img src="" border="0">

    I'm sorry guys, I'm still not getting what the issue is about.

  • I'm not sure what the issue really is here.

    In preview, I see a continuous spray, wherever I place it, every time I launch the preview, as expected/intended.

    In editor though, it was strange because I was seeing a big rectangle (256X256) but only a 4X4 zone would allow me to select the particle and move it.

    To change that, I resized the texture in the animation editor to 4X4 and then I only see a small square which allow me easily to select/move it around.

    That was unexpected but it's only a "small issue" in the editor, not in preview.

    In preview whatever the size of the texture is, it works the same and as parametrized.

  • I still don't see what you mean exactly.

    If you want to align sprite in the editor, put the same X coordinate to them, or the same Y coordinate.

    Your question isn't complete enough to make sense. (Or at least it doesn't make sense to me since I did not use Delphi alignement palette).

    Anyway, check the manual about the interface of the editor, perhaps you'll find something that suits your needs.

    Or reformulate your question with more details.

  • According to the tutorials about physic (basics; advanced), it is bad practice to, as you did, set an instance (with physic behavior) to another position in the screen. It "teleports" the instance instead of applying forces to it resulting in non expected behavior and bug in the physic world.

    I think you should take it back from the start, define/explain exactly what you want to do (an object, that has such interactions with another one, what are those interactions, what are the interactions you don't want to see), and then we can propose you some implementations.

  • Perhaps you should use "Reset global variables" AND "Restart layout".

    The values of the variables will be reset and the positions and instances will be reset too when restarting the layout.

    The "go to page" disabled is for the browser plugin which allow to navigate/browse to a different URL than the game.

    For ingame layout navigation though, everything can be handled in events and from "within" the game.

  • Please see how to report a bug, provide a capx and precise steps to reproduce the issue.