[quote:2yyaqxub]The handheld's internet browser will also now support HTML5.
Thanks for the link.
Seen in the comments (so possibly to take with a grain of salt):
[quote:2yyaqxub]-The browser can handle HTML5 and watching movies within it, but perhaps due to that problem they had last year with the child getting exploited through the 3DS (of course no mention was made of this) a new filtering function was added so that children can browse without fear from their parents. This is enabled from the beginning, but so that children can't easily get rid of it, turning it off requires using a credit card and one-time fee of 30 yen.
It kind of reminds me the Wii's option to access internet that had to be paid for to unlock on the console itself.
As to what exacting is being filtered or the impact of that feature, that's not very clear.