Kyatric's Forum Posts

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    Consider posting your project so other pair of eyes can investigate and see if they also "encounter the random issue"."

    I was quoting your own post. You mentioned random issue and I ask you to post your project so that other people can confirm.

    What does it say about you other then you are paranoid ?

    You believe it to be smart-ass when it is actual stuff I do on a daily basis for more than 5 years now.

    And since you are new to these parts, you are discovering it.

    To keep referencing The Rock, you should know your role and shut your mouth little Jabroni. You got your candy a** smacked down.

    • See I'm funny as well, am I not ?

    [quote:1os3dsdh]How on earth is Construct2 going to grow , if you do that to a new member they will just leave and never come back. That why this section is busy but all the other sections are not as busy, they come here, get demoralized then never come back.

    For five years I've been providing support and answers to "demoralized new comers". Has it amped down C2's growth ? I don't think so.

    Again, welcome new comer, here's my list of lists to post only that and you can go and read my 6660+ posts to see if they are all just demoralizing and what percentage of them actually deal with trolls and other not-that-smart people which is the only part of them you seem to have read and referenced in this topic.

  • ".c2addon" -

    But what sinistar proposes here is a file that compiles "all plugins".

    I don't personally use a lot of plugins, or see there use of a good eye. A lot of people tend to use them as a bandaid instead of learning how to do things through events.

    It also adds the inconvenience that when you later ask a question and post your capx in the forums, using plugins, people have to have the same plugins installed in order to open the capx and answer the question, which is, most of the time, a huge PIA.

    Moreover, all plugins are not necessary for everyone.

    That is my personal opinion though, and if a majority of persons are in favor, perhaps such a package should be made.

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    Finally, after three pages you finally post specific code.

    And indeed like R0j0hound, from your previous' posts descriptions I thought you were having troubles in the execution of events using local storage, which was the reason your whole topic did not make sense.

    Stop posting you as a victim, I asked for code and clearer description all along in order to investigate your issue which you failed to provide because you preferred moaning, whining and complaining instead of providing clear details about your issue. My goal all along is to investigate, yours is to complain.

    Maybe it is not your intent, but for people understanding English that is what comes out of this topic.

    Unlike what you believe I understood you "couldn't" provide your project's code but you failed to reproduce the issue in a newer capx you could have posted. That's what long time users do in these forums.

    Hence why for three pages I asked for some visuals on your project AND FINALLY when you provide some your issue seems to make a bit more sense.

    Do you make backup copies of your capx ? Do they display the same issue ?

    Do you save on a local hard drive ? A virtual hard drive ? Have you left enough time for your last save or did you close Construct before the actual save was over ?

    Such mess-ups have been observed when users try to save capx on virtual drives (dropbox) and don't let actual time for the save to completely perform.

    Solution: over your development save new instances of capx, don't stay over a single one.

    If you have made it clearer you were talking about a switch of variables within the editor, we would have avoided this uncomfortable situation.

    I "came at you" for lack of details in your explanations and you prove me right.

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    As long as no one posts code that shows the issue in a consistent manner and investigates this code, this topic still makes no sense.

    PixelPower you can feel bullied by that simple statement, but it is common sense.

    If you encounter an issue POST YOUR PROJECT !

    That's the best way to get help from others to debug the project, since you don't seem to be willing to do it yourself.

    Making vague descriptions ("I click my save button" => What is the code behind your save button ? How many variable are there in your project ? What exactly are you saving ? At what moment ? Are there interacting events that may change values at that moment ? etc...) does not help anyone, and making statements that "this is a bug in Construct 2" is just unjustified. In 99.9 % of the cases, it is a user error, meaning an error in the code/events the user produced.

    Construct is just executing those events as it should and the user is stunned because he thought something would happen, and actually something else happens.

    Yet, this is not a Construct 2 bug.

    Other people than myself stated the same thing in different manners in that topic. But yes, I must be bullying.

    And you were the one who "pinged" me in a different topic, about a different issue which can lead to believe I have said things I haven't.

    So who bullied who here ?

  • PixelPower:

    Are you kidding me ? With those kind of remarks and mixing up you could be magically gone from those forums sooner than you think.

    Have I said anything about XDK ?

    Nope, I only answered to your lacking details issue about C2 in another topic. You never mentioned it was related to XDK, a different software.

    If you can't be detailed about your issue don't blame the softwares.

    Blame your lack of precision. Which is what I point out anyway in the first place.

    I never said anything about XDK updates, since it is depending on another software and another team.

    Don't put words in my mouth !

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    Of course, it would be dumb to post a proof, but just having to take your "long time expert veteran" word for it is good enough.

    I don't doubt you are encountering an issue. But your assumption that it is a magical Construct 2 bug rather then something not coherent in your code is what bugs me.

    I have been using C2 for the double of your lengthy experience, and I still prefer to think that my code is at fault when encountering an issue.

    And guess what, in most case it is. And when it is indeed a Construct failure, I do make a bug report, following the report guidelines to make sure.

    But your advice here is "don't doubt your code, blame a magical bug and do nothing about it".

    By doubting your code that's how you get even further in depth into C2 and go from the intermediate user that you are to the expert that I dare to say I am.

    And if it is actually really a C2 bug, it would help every one to have it fixed and so to provide some code for it.

    At worst you can post your code "privately" to Scirra directly. But tbh, it is more likely there is an issue in your events then a bug with the local storage that worked now for years...

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    I just posted this just in case someone else encounters their save variable changing when they save, so they don't go nuts. I know when I was a beginner I would go crazy just to find out it was something simple. Now that Iam experience I don't go crazy , I slow down so that I can double check everything.

    "double check everything" but assumes that Construct "magically" changes values.

    Right, makes sense.

    Consider posting your project so other pair of eyes can investigate and see if they also "encounter the random issue".

  • Screenshots might be needed.

    Anyway, if you are using the Sprite object, resize is automatic, and in that case you can either click the "Make 1:1" button in the properties bar to make it so that the Sprite resizes to the exact same size as the imported texture within it.

    If it doesn't make your image bigger, then likely the original picture is not having the appropriate size.

    If this doesn't help, consider indeed posting screenshot of your issue and giving as much details as possible.

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  • Add a global Variable "LastUID"

    In event 4, add an action "Set LastUID to Body.UID" (this will allow us to pick that body part later.

    Event 10 add a blank subevent.

    Add a local variable (NewUID)

    Create a body part (like in event 4) and set NewUID to Body.UID (the newly created body part.

    Then as a subevent of this subevent, Pick all Body, Body pick instance with UID LastUID, Tailpiece2 pick instance with UID NewUID.

    Actions : TailPiece2 Set position to Body.X + 32, Body.Y

    TailPiece2 Pin to Body Rope Style

    Set LastUID to TailPiece2.UID


  • Most of the time, event organisation is the reason for code not "working", and rarely an actual Construct 2 bug.

    The thing is though your description is not enough to tell for sure.

    Consider posting your capx, or at least a screenshot of the events/functions you are referring to.

    We don't know your code and can't guess it.

    From the sound of it, it may be moreover involved/complex.

    So no way to tell and correct it just by your text paragraph.

  • Your image does not work.

    Consider looking at the How do I FAQ in the section "Scrolling". You would have some mechanics to implement already which would help you out with your questions.

    Also do check videos in the C2 Academy there are likely some mechanics to help out as well.

    Consider detailing further more what you are expecting to do. Consider determining what the player is supposed to do, how (what controls scheme) and what impact it does have on your game's world.

    As it stands, your question/concept is too vague. How to increment speed ? Add a value to the ScrollSpeed variable you use to make your scrolling.

    Here you have a vague answer as well.

    As mentioned, the How do I FAQ shows examples of how to make a scrolling (horizontal or vertical).

    You can also check the capx examples provided with Construct 2. In your case, the runner example does contain scrolling and "random appearance of obstacles".

    This forum has something wonderful called "Search" which, if you use, will allow you to actually answer your questions without having to post a topic for such a treated subject.

  • Does this mean SCIRRA is no longer supporting Ejecta or the other way around?

    Indeed Scirra stopped officially supporting Ejecta and prefer you to use the Cordova export solution.

    So I think my best option would be to go back to release 191 (or 190 for a good measure ) and save my game there. Is this still an option for me?

    I would not recommend such a downgrade.

    You would lose all the workarounds made especially for iOS 9 in the most recent releases.

    Ejecta + VMWare seems to be THE BEST OPTION for me as I don't have an i-Whatever device to test my game in.

    So why try to publish to iOS since you can't even make sure your game is working ?

    Nevertheless, Intel XDK provides you with some emulation device that could allow you to "virtually" test your application.

    But it is nothing more than an emulator and not the actual deal.

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