Kuschelbauch's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I just uploaded my brand new game "RUSH" to Kongregate.com and CLAY.IO!

    It is a fast little addictive match 3 game with scores and bonusitems. The game needs some votes/rates, so please give it a try.

    Play RUSH on Kongregate.com

    RUSH on CLAY.IO (with better performing highscores)

    Here are some screenshots for you:

    <img src="http://rush.dungeonsandmines.com/screenshots/screenshot1.png" border="0">

    <img src="http://rush.dungeonsandmines.com/screenshots/screenshot2.png" border="0">

    I hope you enjoy the game and please give me feedback...

    Have a nice day

    Stefan <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Thanks for testing to everyone,

    for those who are waiting for online-highscores - the game is now live on Kongregate. So here is the Link:

    Lost in the Dark KONGREGATE (with Highscores)

    And the game is actual under judgement by the Kongregate-community - please vote for the game if you like it...

    Thanks in advance


  • Hello harrio,

    thanks for testing... I tried this out, but when penny ignors keys in the wrong direction she runs often into the knights (or mayby I am not good enough for my own game^^).

    Have a nice day



    The Canvas in the Facebookversion seems to be a little slow - hope I can fix it.

    Due to some reason facebook uses the up and down arrows to scroll through there content, so it is bad to play with the second player in two player mode or when you are using arrow keys in singleplayer.

    (You don?t have the problem when playing on the games webpage)

    Note: Can you please give me feedback, even if you hate this game^^

    It whould be nice to hear something...

    Have a nice day


    Lost In The Dark

  • Hi Anthony,

    first of all - thanks for testing. It took approx. 2 weeks, 20 packs of cigaretts and 30 cans of coffee (from my wife) to finish it...

    I have tested your games some weeks ago - DAZEL is wondefull, would be nice to see this game finished and without mousecontrol (please put the attacks on SPACE)^^

    Have a nice day


    btw... my personal best score:

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/399130_353461091401871_1374687974_n.jpg" border="0" />

  • <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/156254_353083378106309_1945599792_n.jpg" border="0">

    Hello everybody,

    I like to present you my latest build of LOST IN THE DARK. Many things have changed:

    • 2 Player mode
    • New Website
    • Enemys and KI
    • Better collectibles
    • Game Menu
    • Highscores (saving)
    • More Terrains
    • Dungeon Generator improved
    • 2 difficulties
    • improved Gfx
    • and some more


    • improve Performance
    • add sound
    • and all you wish in this post^^

    I hope to get some feedback and it would be nice to hear on what configuration (hardware/software) you are running the game and how the gameplay feels...

    Update: Now the Game is available on Facebook - just follow the link!

    Lost in the Dark KONGREGATE (with Highscores)

    Lost in the Dark FACEBOOK

    Lost in the Dark WEBSITE

    (dont forget to refresh your browser if you played it before)

    thanks in advance


    And a screenshot:

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/527413_353083361439644_411917489_n.jpg" border="0">

  • Another Update!

    The Characters are now 30% faster, so the game looks a lot more "speedy"...

    I hope you enjoy it and you have to refresh the browser to get the updated version running.

    Have a nice day.


    And a new Screenshot:

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/193270_348138991934081_1042837116_o.jpg" border="0" />

  • Hello CrudeMik,

    the idea is brilliant and I like the minimalistic style. Good job!

    Are you finished with this project or are you still extending the game with more features?

    good night


  • Hello and a nice monday to all of you,

    there is an actual update on the server. Now you can use AWSD, Arrow-Keys and the Mouse for pathfinding... it?s your choice^^

    I hope everybody is happy with that, you can also instantly switch between the controls while the Dungeon is running.

    The link: LOST IN THE DARK

    Please keep me informed if there are any bugs...

    Have a nice day.

    Stefan <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    P.S. You have to refresh your Browser to get the updated version of the game running.

  • Hello again,

    and thanks for testing to everybody.

    And this is for you jogosgratispro:

    <img src="http://www.dungeonsandmines.com/pathfinding.png" border="0" />

    I hope this will help you with your TowerDefense Game...

    So, have a nice day and please leave a replay if find any bugs or when you have questions...

    Have a nice sunday...


  • Hello SuperPowerJoe,

    first of all: NO, there is no real reason. But in the past I did a lot of retro games and most people who played them didn?t like the key movement, so I decided to use Mouse Movement and Pathfinding for this Game...

    But I see/know your point of view, there is another game I am working on (A kind of Boulder Dash/Emerald Mine) and there I implemented Keymovement and thats real cool for that kind of game.

    Have a nice day and thanks for testing...


    P.S. Sorry for my poor english, I am from germany^^

  • Hello everybody,

    I would like to present you my latest project, a lightmanagement dungeoncrawler with random generated dungeons.

    It is just in PRE ALPHA and still WIP...

    So here is the link: Lost in the Dark

    Please give me feedback and I know there are still a lot of bugs...


    Screenshot:<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/557276_346988568715790_2028331674_n.jpg" border="0">

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  • Hello srcarr1515,

    yes it is possible, everything you will need is implemented.

    Here is just a small example:

    Pennys freaky weekend trip

    good luck


  • Hello everybody,

    new weekend - new project:

    Jessy?s Bakery - beware of the mouse...

    I hope you enjoy it and give me feedback...

    have fun!


  • Hello,

    I think I am stupid, but I can�t get it to work... can someone please upload a working capx with a match 3 function in a grid or a bejeweled clone or something like that?

    Thanks in advance...
