Kuschelbauch's Forum Posts

  • BluePhaze

    first of all, nice score - more than my wife got^^ And next to your questions:

    1. top scores are stored in a mysql database together with the facebook user id and the players name

    2. these informations come from the facebook plugin

    3. cause you normaly only see your friends scores in facebook games, I decided to do it this way

    4. the pictures are loaded thrue facebooks graph-api and basd on the user id

    5. post score actions are based on tokens (The Posts on your Feed, when you get a new Highscore)

    6. and I didn´t try to go letterbox scale, because for me this was only a test of integrating facebook into construct

    and I can say, integration works (with some minor bugs)... but it´s not very usefull until scirra will release a facebook-plugin with all features implemented. Actual it´s a lot of try and error.

    best regards and thanks for testing


  • Hi there,

    I released TappyShark on Kongregate this afternoon, so feel free to give it a try and beat my highscore...


    And here´s a screenshot for you:

    Have fun and a good time...


  • Hi there,

    some screenshots of TappyShark (WIP):

    And here is the Link to the game (You must be logged into facebook):


    Hope to read some feedback here...


  • Hi!

    I released the WIP/Beta of my little TappyShark Game on Facebook. It´s based on Flappy Bird, but a lot more polished. And it has full Facebook integration with real Top10 Players and not only your friends...

    ...and that´s the part I need YOU... Please give it a try and test the functionality of the Highscoresystem and give me some feedback.

    Thanks in advance!

    Here is the Link: https://apps.facebook.com/tappyshark/

    And a screenshot:

    I hope you enjoy it...


  • Pode again

    so this is what it whould look like in the final version:

    <img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ULMBwqG2fk8/Ta2mO6IIWZI/AAAAAAAAAKY/59PoPBhXUyg/s400/Subway%2BQR%2BCode.jpg" border="0" />

    But I need the data point by point to generate this, at the moment i use a very strange way to detect every dot from your data matrix, but thats not a very good way...



  • Pode: Thanks for the fast response, but i think you missed my point, I don?t want to encode or decode anything of the qr code by myself, I would only like to use the data to create the graphical output by my own. cause i would like to change the color of the dots for example... a bit like these modern qr-code generators that implement logos and graphical effects to the qr code.

    with your actual version the output is allways black and white, and thats the part where my app is comming up. It?s to design the qr code more pretty...

    hope to here from you and best regards


  • Hi Pode,

    is it possible to put the data of the qr-code into an array? I mean pixel by pixel in lines and rows. If it�s possible that whould help me alot in my latest project...

    thanks in advance


  • Yes, good idea. At the moment the crates make just some bubbles under the waterline, but I am working on it...

  • Here�s a screenshot of my latest project...

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/893277_194939657340658_862251425_o.png" border="0">

    I will post progress here and you can also watch the DevLog:

    DevLog on Facebook

    Have fun and enjoy your life...


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello,

    here are some screenshots of my actual project - a tilebased full length random generated rpg with some minigames included...

    hope you enjoy the pictures, playable demo available soon!

    <img src="http://www.dungeonsandmines.com/screen1.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.dungeonsandmines.com/screen2.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.dungeonsandmines.com/screen3.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.dungeonsandmines.com/screen4.png" border="0" />

    See you soon...


  • Hi necromaster,

    your tutorial is awesome!!! I made some games before with construct2 and I allways wanted to integrate facebook with friends pictures and scores... but due to my pure knowledge of js, I couldnt figure it out...

    and now, with your wondefull tutorial I have done my own facebook plugin with all the features I ever wanted!



  • Hello everybody,

    long time no see... I am working on some other projects at the moment, but I uploaded a new version with a better highscoresystem to clay.io today...

    here is the link:

    Play RUSH on CLAY.IO (with better performing highscores)

    Enjoy it and have a nice day...


  • The scores shoud work now... I had a little trouble with the Kongregate-API^^ <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi Rory and harrio,

    thanks for testing! But what is the meaning of "purdy"? (sry for my poor enlgish)

    have a nice evening <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi,

    looks good, keep on working! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />