I still haven't installed the latest SpriteFont version, so this might be changed at this point.
But basically, I wish the SpriteFont's source sprite for letters' current state was always how the letters would turn out. Right now it seems that the letters change according to the state of the source sprite upon layout start initially, and I need a series of For Each Letter events to change it every time I change the text.
So, basically, I can't set the tint or size of the source sprite, then set the SpriteFont to "show text 'asasd'" and get it to look like the source sprite. I need the For Each Letter afterwards, making all the changes.
One instance this is extra clear for me is my source sprite changes animation direction, but if I have a Show Text event that repeats (like for instance if I make the progressive text on my own) it will freeze on the first animation angle until the Show Text event stops executing.
Maybe I'm just using it the wrong way, and I remember Write Text not being very fast.