kmsravindra's Forum Posts

  • Thank you.

  • , Thanks a lot for these changes. I hope the icon size can also be changed? Let me try them and will let you know.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, I observed that using even a single Q3DLight has significantly lowered the performance on iPad. For each Q3DLight that I use, I see almost 25% to 30% decrease in performance...Could you please optimize Q3DLight or suggest any alternatives to this?

  • , This looks good...Is there anyway we can customize the icon size as well? Also, I think it will be great if the text placement can be controlled too..The button text is centered and usually overlaps with the icon at the right...This is requiring the button size to be unusually large especially when the text is like two words or so and leaving lot of free space towards the left of the button...

  • Joannesalfa, Looks good...BTW, you can just create a sphere, go to edit mode, do a UV unwrap and export it as threejs in blender - all under 30 seconds. Applying the Diffuse map can be done in C2...

    Thanks QuaziGNRLnose for the suggestion.

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  • Joannesalfa, the only difficult part is getting the image of the skybox in a cubic or a spherical Diffuse map. I have used spherical Diffuse map here. If a spherical map is used, you could use a Q3D model of sphere.js and set the image in the Diffuse map. You can scale the Q3Dmodel to the necessary dimensions and set the emissivity to rgb(255,255,255). Finally you should use the camera orbit controls that QuaziGNRLnose has provided in his thread as a sample capx to navigate around in 3D...That's it!

  • Here is the video of the app in making (soon to be released on iPad) on 3D solid shapes and cube nets. Watch it in HD please.

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  • Thanks R0J0hound

  • R0J0hound, sorry to ask one more question on chipmunk_nc.capx...I noticed that when I drag a single ball to the left by a very small angle ( lets say under 10 degrees or so), sometimes the ball stops with nothing happening...sometimes all the balls start moving in a random fashion...Do you think all these are the limitations?

  • I get it now...Thank you very much.

  • Just couple of questions, if you could tell me from the chipmunk_nc.capx file

    1. Destroy all connected joints doest affect Pin joint created at the start of the layout?

    2. Also could you tell me what exactly is the event checking for joint impulse --> chipmunk destroy joint suppose to accomplish? When I disabled that I didnt notice any visible change whatsoever...

  • R0J0hound, This is great...Thank you...Though there are some oddities that I notice at times in the movement of the balls to the ideal newtons cradle, I think this is the closest...

  • mattb, sorry.. it doesn't work at all the way a newtons cradle should...There are all types of things happening with collisions in your example...The first thing is that I don't think using drag-drop works well with chipmunk physics to drag chipmunk objects over other...

  • spongehammer, Thanks...But all the 3 issues that I have mentioned above still exist...None of them go away

  • R0J0hound, Am playing with the plugin and wanted to create Newtons cradle, something like this in the video - ( after 25 seconds).

    Attached is my .capx file. I am facing 3 issues -

    1. Issue#1 - When I have only one ball dragged to the left and released, it works fine. But when I drag the ball to almost horizontal(90 degrees) and release, then I notice the right most ball goes beyond 90 degrees ( against conservation energy law)...Any idea what could be the issue?

    2. Issue#2 - When DragTwo group is enabled (let chipmunk Immovable to Yes be still disabled), then it drags two balls to the left on touch. When touch is released, somehow the collisions are not working as they way they should in Newtons cradle...The third ball from the left doesnt go as much high as the right most 4th one...

    3. Issue#3 - When I try to set ChipmunkImmovable to Yes on touch and then to "No" on touch released, it gives me a javascript error in the plugin behavior. Not sure if this is a bug.

    Please let me know if this can be done as demonstrated in the video above? Having done many physics simulations, I have always found achieving NewtonsCradle to be pretty difficult using Box2D physics - revolute joints somehow...Chipmunk helps me to get this a bit further but still I seem to be struck...