If you like the PLUGIN , a little help is always welcome! Donate
Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/efq61n3whboblce/AADXSpVjyeBjKLkAEXB0KdSza?dl=0
Other HMMG Plugins : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eyld20nrw3ersuy/AABNz84T_KdQGoYjHFsj2Y-8a?dl=0
Hey guys , i had many times a probleme to find Button's design or exactly Theme , so i decied to create a little plugin that Have multiple FlatUi Theme A -> G
It works as a normal Button (The Standart one of Scirra) but I just added a function to change the Button Design that is loaded from a .css external File , i used the FlatUi Jquery Mobile css file https://github.com/ququplay/jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme
How to Use and Preview
in Propreties :
Theme : Select your Theme From A to G or set it To Default (The Standard Webbrowser Button's Theme) "Icons wont work with the Default Theme"
Icon:Select you Icon of 50 Icons or set it to none if you don't want Icon in the Button
Icon Position : Set Your Icon's position , Default is Left "If there is no text in the Icon please set it to Without Text"
Just choose your Theme in the Theme Proprite as in the Image below
and here is the Preview
List of Icons :
How to install :
Copy/Paste the Folder in the zip file to your plugin's directory
Close and re-open Construct 2 if it's opened
***************** V1.1 *****************
Added : 50 Icons
Added : Icons Position
Changed : the button balise changed -> Input to Button
***************** V1.2 *****************
Bug Fix
***************** V1.3 *****************
Added : Round Corners Yes/No "Set if the button Corners are rounded or not"
***************** V1.4 *****************
Added : Condition IsEnabled Return true when the Button is Enabled
Added : Condition IsVisible Return true when the Button is Visible
Added : Propriete "Text Align" Left|Center|Right This one was added For
Added : Propriete "CSS" Write some CSS , Use it to add padding to your button
Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again If there is no text in the Button please select *Without Text* in Icon Position
If you like the PLUGIN , a little help is always welcome! Donate
hope it's gonna be usefull for others
If any one have a probleme with the PLUGIN email me "hsmouadh@gmail.com" , i will reply at max 5 - 6 hours