kidswithcrowns's Forum Posts

  • It's entirely possible!

    Not sure where you're stuck or how far you've gotten though, so advice is hard to give

  • by working hard and sending lots of bug reports !!!

    Can you explain your method for getting the width and height of the window?

  • This might be the coolest thing I've added yet. CUSTOM FIRE JUTSU. Simply drag and drop the fireballs into your desired pattern. It will automatically orient to whatever direction you're facing when you use the move

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  • This is one of the illusion skills used to trick other players. It turns you invisible, but you still make noise when you run, and your shadow is still visible, so it's best used in a shadowy environment

  • What if you did

    On animation 1 finished > play animation 2

    ------Is overlapping enemy > subtract 1 health from enemy

    That way, it would only check for overlap the moment animation 2 starts

    You could also keep your On Collision with event so that enemies who collide with the explosion after it has initially begun are also damaged

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  • This is one way to do it

    Give an object Tween behavior

    On any of the movement inputs,

    check if Object is NOT tweening with tag "move" (you want to make sure the object doesn't receive input while it's actually moving, otherwise it will tween while it's tweening, resulting in skips)

    If it's NOT already tweening with tag "move,"

    then use the Tween 2 properties action to set it's position like so:

    (this would be for a diagonal up and right movement)

    X: tilemap.snapx(object.x + 32)

    Y: tilemap.snapy(object.y - 32)

    tag: "move"

    Also set up an On Finished: tween tag "move" with the action

    set object position to

    X: tilemap.snapx(object.x)

    Y: tilemap.snapy(object.y)

    (just incase it ends up unaligned with the grid somehow, this will realign it)

  • From the Manual entry on Tile Movement it doesn't seem like diagonals are currently possible:

    You could make your own tile based movement using tween though. It would allow for diagonals

  • This is the exterior for the Academy in the Leaf Village

    The shadows are a Tiled Background that I stretched over the entire area. When you run to a certain point in the layout, the background begins fading out/in depending on if you're in the darkzone or not

    To achieve the lighting, I made some simple circle Sprites with the brush tool, put them on the same layer as the shadows, and set them to Destination Out (I think) so that they're essentially cutting holes through the shadows

  • I love it. Glad to see you were able to fix the issues with performance on mobile. Congrats!

  • You can do this with only 2 actions, and without the cost of "For Each"

    create a new family "SortFamily." Put the player and the trees in it

    create an instance variable for the SortFamily called "SortFamilyY"

    create an empty condition and add the following actions:

    1. Set SortFamilyY to SortFamily.imagepointy(1)

    2. Sort SortFamily Z order by SortFamily.SortFamilyY

    This means every tick, the SortFamilyY variable will be set to the respective SortFamily's y position of the image point, and then the all the items in the SortFamily will be sorted

    Sidenote: When you do something like this, you might realize all the different items in the family have different numbers of image points, so calling on "Image Point 3" won't be feasible, since one item already has 7 image points and another only has 1. I would recommend naming your image points instead of using numbers. "Bottom" "Top" etc

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  • What plinkie posted is what I would do as well ^

    However, make sure you use rgbEx255 instead of RgbEx. RgbEx uses 0-100 instead of 0-255

    rgbEx255(int(tokenat(variable1, 0, ",")),int(tokenat(variable1, 1, ",")),int(tokenat(variable1, 2, ",")))

  • So now the question is: Is there any way to get fullscreen WITHOUT sidebars and WITHOUT messing up how the sprites look?

  • it looks like if I enable Pixel Rounding and change fullscreen mode to Letterbox Integer Scale, the sprites look normal at a zoom rate of 100%

    But now I have these massive borders

  • Point sampling makes the sprite jagged and weird at certain zoom levels (even 100%)

    While Linear Sampling doesn't make the sprite jagged at 100%, it does seem to lose its shape. Clothing items don't quite cover the character, which is especially noticeable during animation

    Is there any way to get Point Sampling to look normal at all zoom levels?