My game: Cat Gunner is featured on Play Store and get 1M+ download!

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In this template the music plays without looping in your game
  • My C3 game: Cat Gunner is featured on Play Store today ^^:

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  • Congrats. That is truly amazing!

  • Congrats. That is truly amazing!

    thank you! :D

  • I love it. Glad to see you were able to fix the issues with performance on mobile. Congrats!

  • This is awesome! Thoroughly deserved, the graphics are brilliant!

  • tuzke Nice! Congrats and thanks for sharing, it's a nice motivation. I would like to take a question with you about this, and I would be really appreciated for it, since I need to talk with someone about publishing a mobile game. Can you help me out just answering some questions please? If you have the time let me know your email. Thanks.

  • tuzke Nice! Congrats and thanks for sharing, it's a nice motivation. I would like to take a question with you about this, and I would be really appreciated for it, since I need to talk with someone about publishing a mobile game. Can you help me out just answering some questions please? If you have the time let me know your email. Thanks.

    Thank you! Mail email:

  • I love it. Glad to see you were able to fix the issues with performance on mobile. Congrats!

    Thank you. Performance is not really good, but I will try to fix it

  • Huge congrats on achieving such success! Im playing your game right now :P

    Can I ask what generates more revenue in this game, the ads or the the iAPs to purchase in-game currency?

  • Huge congrats on achieving such success! Im playing your game right now :P

    Can I ask what generates more revenue in this game, the ads or the the iAPs to purchase in-game currency?

    Thank you!

    Revenue: 50% IAPs - 50% Ads :D

  • > Huge congrats on achieving such success! Im playing your game right now :P


    > Can I ask what generates more revenue in this game, the ads or the the iAPs to purchase in-game currency?

    Thank you!

    Revenue: 50% IAPs - 50% Ads :D

    Ok. So its worth it to have the iAPs in the game then. Good to know.

  • To day, Get 1M+ Download


  • Congrats!

    Interesting to see that your game got more much more users from Google Play than in Instant Games where the competition is much smaller.

    And about IOS App Store? Didn't you published there?

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  • To day, Get 1M+ Download


    Congrats. I played your game. Very good.

  • Congrats!

    Interesting to see that your game got more much more users from Google Play than in Instant Games where the competition is much smaller.

    And about IOS App Store? Didn't you published there?

    Thank you! I have published it on ios, but there are some problems that make me unable to update a new version of it. I am currently correcting and updating the latest version soon.

    Appstore link:

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