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  • Ashley Simply by having the shader added, even without changing the effect parameters, causes the bug.

  • The way I'd do it is use the Execute Javasctipt action of the Browser object.


    And here you can find the javasctipt Date object.


  • Yes, but not all shaders. AdjustHSL for instance is fine.

    Here's a example capx https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/354 ... fects.capx

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  • Ashley

    Just wanted to add that the same thing happens when using the new Ejecta exporter.

    The odd thing is that when I used Ejecta back before the official exporter (by using the HTML exporter) the images with Brightness rendered normally. Could it be caused by the exporters?

  • While it's nice to have an official exporter, compiling Construct 2 games with Ejecta itself isn't new, and this update doesn't bring anything new to the Ejecta experience.

    Personally, memory management is currently the biggest problem with releasing games on the Appstore with no clear solution in sight.

  • Correct, Ejecta, same as CocoonJS, loads all images (but not audio files) on the initial loading of the game.

    I just tested my game with the new ejecta exporter and the results as basically the same as with cocoonjs when it comes to memory usage. Note that if you used Ejecta in the past this exporter won't bring anything new to the table.

    As for the performance, on the iPhone 5 the game runs smooth both with CocoonJS and Ejecta, maybe a bit smoother with Ejecta but maybe it's just me. On the iPhone 4 both versions have a harder time keeping the framerate up but the CocoonJS version seems to do a better job at it.

    Regarding memory management, after the game loaded successfully the memory consumption actually drops, so in my experience there's a good chance that if the game fully loads without crashing, even with low memory warnings, the game probably won't crash while running.

  • ome6a1717

    More specifically this is how they do it (UbiArt Framework):

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    If you're interested in something similar for Construct 2, try Spriter since it has C2 integration.


  • Apparently it's caused by the Brightness WebGL effect, using the AdjustHSL effect for instance does not cause the bug.

  • I do remember reading about a case where the developer did refund one player. It was after the guy emailed the developers telling them his kid got his hands on the device and randomly bought tens of the most expensive currency packages.

    I believe this lead the developers to incorporate a daily limit of how much money you can spend on IAP.

    As far that scenario, if it's an isolated complaint and you know you code is fine, you would just direct them to the third party that handles the in app purchases (google, apple, etc.).

    In your case I guess that would be Paypal but I don't know how useful that would be. At the end of the day it's up to you and your policy whether or not you will refund your customer.

  • CocoonJS does not support WebRTC and as far as I know they don't plan on supporting it any time soon.

  • The sound effect section of OpenGameArt.org is also good.

    http://opengameart.org/art-search-advan ... t_type_tid[]=13

  • So I finally had time to sit down and figure out what was causing my flurry problem.

    The way I logged parameter events was I would add a new key in my dictionary and add a value from a variable, current level, the number of times the user restarted the level or something similar.

    As it turns out flurry wouldn't display events with parameters that only have numbers as their value, so I had to add a text string for the events to be registered and displayed correctly.

  • I'm having a problem with how my button icons are rendered on iPhone devices via CocoonJS (tested on iPhone 4 and iPhone 5). It's most likely a CocoonJS bug as the buttons are rendered normally when opening the HTML exported game in Safari.

    This is a comparison with Android exported with CocoonJS:

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35440583/c2forums/BotBarOuteredge/BotBarOuteredge.png" border="0" />

    I was wondering if anyone experienced anything similar and know how to prevent it.

    I will email ludei about this as well, but it'll probably be weeks before anything could be done on their part.

  • I don't know where you got the 1920x1040, but the Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 edition released in October of 2013) has a resolution of 2560 by 1600.

    Samsung did make the old Nexus 10, and is allegedly manufacturing the new Nexus 10, I'd say the Galaxy Note 10.1 is a safe bet. Now, I don't know where you're from, so you'll have check your local prices. I'd suggest selecting a few tablets with similar specs, check their prices and decide. Obviously reading some reviews and seeing what other developers like to use doesn't hurt.

  • If you're not in a hurry, a new Nexus 10 is rumored to be announced soonish. The old Nexus 10 came out end of 2012, so it might be worth the wait or, alternatively, get some other 10" tablet, even if they are usually more pricey and you won't be getting the speedy OS updates that you would with the vanilla Android on the Nexus tablets.